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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. Man it makes me wonder if the only real impediment to any of this is urban wanting to bring a whole new staff of pipe hitting mother fuckers which makes the buy out steeeeeeeep. If he wants some proven bad asses then I’ll start a gofund me in the Eagle Ford. Make Texas Great Again oughta bring in some donations lol. 

    I’m guessing they can make the numbers work. The impediment is that Tom is staying afloat at the moment.
    • Rage+1 2
  2. Just now, TexasEx said:

    RapGameLarry said some of the 995'ers were hedging on CUM to Texas. Anyone have that? 

    Took it has him talking about the few reports we've gotten over the past week and a half or so. His interpretation is they're hedging.

    I'm guessing he thinks the information has stopped flowing. Purposely. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Well maybe if we win out and win the BXII you would feel different.
    I just know I have been through this crap many times as a Texas fan and changing coaches every 3 or 4 years is a recipe for worse than mediocrity.

    I’d feel differently if recruiting was up and the team was coached well. It’s not changing coaches every 3 or 4 years that’s the problem, it’s picking the wrong coach every 3 or 4 years. You have an opportunity to pick the closest thing to a sure deal.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. Wow are you really that stupid?
    No way Texas hires a guy like Urban. He is scum and if you have not noticed anything about Texas they will not hire that kind of scumbag for any position which in my opinion is a good thing.
    Get over yourself idiot.

    I’m not stupid, I’m just not a scared little bitch and am not ignoring the tea leaves.
  5. Get over yourselves.
    We are not going to win every game every season. No one does.

    If you wanna say Urban’s not coming to Texas over and over, without offering any logical reasons as to why he’s not because you’re only being a pessimistic prick, that’s fine, we’ve accepted that. But if you’re going to come on here and try to tell us to accept the mediocrity and continued down-spiraling of this program under Tom Herman’s watch because “aInT wInNiNg eVeRy GaMe duRRRrR”, then without any due respect at all: go piss up a fucking rope!

    It’s not only about losing games you should win, or the barely skating by in the ones we do win, it’s about this fucknut’s incoming recruiting classes that he’s actively fucking up. You think we’re “not winNiN eVeRy GaMe” now? Wait until he’s coaching non top-10 classes, and probably a lot lower than that.

    Sorry, Tom, but you’ve gotta go.
    • Hook 'Em 6
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  6. 18 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    I mean it's so obvious even the national guys mention it, yet it's this quiet....

    re: Tom Herman and Texas:

    The search likely begins and ends with former Ohio State and Florida coach Urban Meyer. The FOX Sports analyst will demand a huge salary for him and his staff. Is Texas ready to ante up?

    Candidates: Urban Meyer



  7. 2 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Super K


    I’ll keep this simple. It’s probably what you already suspect anyway.

    ***Hearing that regardless of the outcome of the season there are some money people who want a change but…

    ***I’m told that a win against Iowa State and a change is unlikely.

    ***Source said that if Herman wins out then a change, were it to become necessary, can be delayed by a year to ease the financial burden.

    This doesn't do a whole lot for me.... outside of the first part.

    They did not address Urban at all? Hmmmm

  8. actually let's just keep the fisting on this thread and keep the real discussion on the other one. 


    The Urban Meyer or bust thread: for when you want Urban Meyer to Texas, or want to repeat 50 times a day that he's not coming to Texas, but REALLY you wanna talk fisting. 

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