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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 1 minute ago, Dbeasy said:

    Nothing brings out the idiots like a coaching search, especially those that don't understand that a coach's name might be floated as a way to generate leverage with the coach you are trying to sign.

    No matter how little sense it might make to me, or you, or Urban, it gets taken seriously. Especially when, outside of the 49rs building, Shanny doesn't deny it. He could be doing them a solid. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    How does this work?  Hearing names that are no way obtainable is going to make Urban shit or get off the pot?  I'd lean more into it just being 9.95 bullshit than some attempt to gain leverage.

    Kyle doesn't seem likely, but I can't say he's not "obtainable?" 

    When you're negotiating the kinda money we're hoping UT and Urb are, any little outside threat like that, no matter how serious you think it could be, ends up being taken seriously anyway. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    This, its Texas trying to get back any semblance of leverage they can in negotiations with CUM

    This is where I'm leaning. They've been shooting numbers back and forth at each other for a week or so..probably. Going slow. Hearing Kyle's name like this, right now, tells me they may be wanting to speed that up. 

    But I'm just a guy on the interwebz

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Only question about Kyle IMO is does he want to go to the college level after being at the NFL level his entire coaching career. I firmly believe he is a smart enough guy to adapt to college and I doubt recruiting would be an issue unless he loathes it like Kliff did (A distinct possibility)

    Yah, my worry is this guy learning on the job with the recruiting etc... Have absolutely no doubts in his ability to assemble a good coaching staff etc...


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  5. 13 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    There is a 0% chance Herman said this, lol. How would that convo even go? "We're going to get a '22 QB, but we'll make sure he's not any good, so don't you worry. He'll be 3 stars or lower, that's my promise!".

    Dumb, narcissistic coaches make dumb promises. 

    You tell the kid you've bought completely into him, and that in the next class you're just going for depth. "THAT'S how much faith I have in YOU..."

    You lied. Most coaches won't say that because NO coach is turning down a '22 Ewers. You're a fucking idiot if you do. You didn't have to lie, but you're so full of shit and yourself that you think it'll just blow over when you do the exact opposite. 

    There aren't many coaches like that these days, but would it be that surprising if Herman was one of them? Absolutelythefuck not! 100% chance that "Could" have happened. 


    EDIT to add: The mother fucker who fucked up the Brockermeyers recruitment -I don't care what anyone says about Blake- doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from me when discussing exactly how fucking stupid he could be. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, closetohumping said:



    Nahlin's post has me worried about Urban.

    It kinda did at first, but thinking about it a bit, if Urb was a done deal we'd have heard a lot more by now, so obviously I'm not surprised by the comment... 

    ...and if it were a long shot, I think he'd have been a bit more negative. A lot of these guys would be. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. Not to say there's any truth to BON tweet, but look at the Sam Ehlinger thread and then look at this. Who would want to come here as a great QB recruit when you get shit on for having some of the best numbers in the NCAA and being a gamer.
    I still hope sam scores 13td and has 1000 yards on saturday, but Texas still loses by 300

    I see what you’re saying, but anywhere this type of shit show goes on, regardless of who the QB is, fan boards for that team are going to have some pretty rough takes, and no one is safe.
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