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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. I am surprised by the fact that you could compose a story of that length and get it published on the site in 4 minutes.  I live in Plano so I know how big a deal that Southlake is.

    A good writer who catches which way the wind is blowing, as anyone who was paying attn on here today was able to catch, has the story written already. Insert time and date. Like Keith Richards’s obituary, except that’s never happening.

    But it’s absolutely possible they’re not that good, and this is all part of the plan to... because I have to believe.
  2. 8 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    you forgot his normal Covid excuse

    I'll help

    "They are the Number 6 ranked team in the entire Covid-filled country, and this is a really big  Covid-filled country with a lot of talented teams but only one, that being mine, that wasn't allowed to have a lot of practices and install our new offenses and defenses. Not sure whose idea it was to change those during a Covid year but that can't happen.  I'm really proud of our guys, they fought all game. Fought all last Sunday practice after that monumental victory over Baylor. A lot of teams would have gotten too big of a head after holding that squad under 20 points, but our guys know that we're just trying to win every week. I told each of them in the locker room just how proud I am, with a giant kiss on the lips, only separated by our Covid masks. Speaking of Covid, it's really been an uphill battle trying to get this team going during Covid. I can honestly say to a man, there's not a single quitter on this team and they love playing for each other during Covid. It's reeeally hard to win in this league during Covid. Every week of Covid you're playing a really good team. We had a great practice on Sunday and we'll cleanup our mistakes, and try not to get Covid. I haven't seen any film of the game yet, we're focused on going 1-0 starting on Saturday, but as you know that starts on Sunday. Sunday, Covid Sunday." 

     [Drinks water for 10 seconds]

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    I won't be surprised to see Mensa use a COVID excuse to postpone games... delaying this Okie Lite game would help Mensa avoid another October loss and make it much more difficult to fire him this season...

    hey man I hit on this somewhere on this thread. Dude's gunna intentionally spread Covid all throughout his team to get most of the remaining games cancelled. Will it help him keep his job? Who knows. But it's the effort that counts. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    This same argument is going on all over the Football board. People see bad play and think we don’t have talent, but not enough importance is being given to just how bad the coaching is right now. Every single one of our OL has bad technique. The biggest issues with our OL are way too widespread to be individual personnel issues. If we get a real HC and a good OL coach in here, this OL would look drastically different. We have a lot of guys who can get good movement in the power/gap run game but we never let them.
    Bad coaching and not playing to our personnel’s strengths aren’t even giving our OL a chance. 

    You have a more positive outlook on the in-house OL talent than I do, but you are correct about coaching. I think that's even more reason to move on from Herman. You're going to have to replace Hand, he's not getting it done (coaching and recruiting), so you want to let Herman go ahead and hire another coach at this position that needs an overhauling? Firing and hiring a guy at the position for the second time in three/four years? No thx.

    Come home, Urban. 

  5. 1 hour ago, TejasPedro said:

    Can we get the owners of Peter Pan Mini Golf to give Urban a lifetime Pass, to sweeten the deal?


    With session starting in 2021, do you really think Hartzell is dumb enough to have Urban Meyer paid in Mini Golf lifetime passes? That would be career suicide. Good luck convincing the Family Entertainment Reimbursement Committee that The University of Texas cannot then provide Mini Golf access to the student body on their own, rather then the taxpayers footing the bill.

    It. Ain't. Gunna. Hap.penis.

    • Haha 6
  6. 9 minutes ago, freyguy said:

    The State is never going to give 2 shits about who we hire as coach, nor how much we pay them.  

    Even if they did give two shits, you're still most likely not bringing Herman back after this year, and you're not hiring some scrub that's gunna cost pennies. 

    It's. Pretty. Simple.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:


    The "urban or bust" people should save themselves the inevitable disappointment by working through how the mechanics of hiring Urban would work.

    Jay Hartzell would have to make the ultimate decision. Jay has ZERO political capital built up with the legislature. Starting in less than 10 weeks, the legislature is going to be pressed to find ways to reduce funding across the board. The publicly funded endowment to the UT System is already greater than all other public universities and colleges (including aggy) combined. The portion of the UT System publicly funded endowment dedicated to UT Austin is about 50%. UT Austin is already funded by taxpayers at a rate double of that of Texas A&M and at a rate almost equal to that of all public universities in Texas combined.

    At some point during the 2012 legislative session, the political discussion of just how much UT Austin should be funded over every other public university in Texas will be brought up.

    If, as one of his first meaningful decisions as UT Austin president, Jay Hartzell decides to blow $40 million to bring in (of all people )Urban Meyer, Jay Hartzell won't last as school president past the end of the spring semester. In the current financial environment, spending tens of millions to bring in someone with an enormous ethical cloud over his head would be career suicide for Hartzell.

    Remember when Tom Herman essentially told everyone to go fuck themselves because he was bringing Casey Horny onto the payroll? Well, Hartzell isn't going to make that same stupid mistake, and especially not on a massively higher level.

    Never. Gonna. Happen.

    two of the cardinal rules of being UT Austin president as a) don't do massively stupid things in a very public was and b) don't needlessly waste political capital on meaningless issues. Hiring of Urban Meyer, for all its potential at winning football games, violates both of those rules. Jay Hartzell is not going to sacrifice his opportunity to be UT Austin president, and piss all the work he did to get to that position down the drain to hire Urban Meyer to be the football coach. Urban Meyer is considered a sociopath by people Jay Hartzell needs in his corner. As is Art Briles.

    It's a done deal. Welcome, Urban Meyer.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I don’t see Auburn as viable for Meyer for multiple reasons. No inside info, just guessing. Likely leverage, IMO.

    The article has been posted here on this thread. Doesn't mention Auburn as in for Meyer, just that these are the two schools who could get the firings rolling. Cristobal was mentioned as Auburn possibility. 

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