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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. Just now, TrashMaster G said:

    That much I knew.  I was just wondering if there was more to it because there seems to be a lot of vitriol towards them. 

    Apparently their dad didn't help us out any in steering them toward Texas, at least toward the end..... but kids are gunna be kids, and they're choosing to go to Bama....

    ... so as irrational fans tend to do, "Fuck them." But honestly, our HC being who he is, deep down who could blame them?

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. I recall [mention=429]closetojumping[/mention] mentioning that part of Meyer's stress at florida and the state of ohio shit hole was the constant need to cheat their asses off to please the alumni and fans. With our resources, brand name in recruiting, and proclivity to not cheat I think Urban could spend the rest of his career here then walk away the best of all time. I am obviously full of shit and really drinking the urb kool aid. Fuck it, show me a loss. 

    But then I have to ask myself which came first: the winning or the cheating?

    Don’t care bring in Urbo!
  3. 1 minute ago, Bevo said:

    I think some of you all are confused. Not staying for the Eyes is an issue because it points towards insubordination. Insubordination is not only a reason for firing. It is also a reason for negotiating down Herman's buyout. This is important because funds need to be raised to pay for the buyout and to hire Urban.

    What I've been speculating.... though not 100% sure if that's what's going on. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Dbeasy said:

    Yes it is, and you’ve just demonstrated you are too. Have you not been watching the tv the last six months? The marches? The world is sick of insufficient responses to discrimination. Hell we still have buildings and statues that celebrate confederate leaders around the country. People are taking a stand and saying enough is enough and the eyes of Texas is in the cross hairs. You can continue to ignore it and hope it all goes away, but this time it is not. This time is different. Players have realized now is the time to effect real social change.

    I don't have a problem with wanting to rename buildings named after confederate leaders etc...  But there's more they can do than just the eyes of Texas. Really, they should leave the team period if you think about it. They're wearing a uniform, team colors, that were adapted for a white only team that wouldn't allow black players to play. Then they go play inside of a stadium where, at the very least, there used to be segregated seating. 

    This country's short history has traces of racism in every corner, sadly. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  5. 3 minutes ago, RGBIII said:

    Darius Terrell Thirsty Thursday

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    The “Eyes of Texas” are upon Tom Herman …

    Let me start this section off by saying that I don’t believe that we would even be having a conversation right now about the school alma mater if this 2020 version of the Texas Longhorns were 3-1 or 4-0 right now. I’m of the opinion that in a way, not dissimilar at all from the national anthem controversy, a song is being used to distract from the true issues at hand.

    Nevertheless, following a vomit-inducing contest on Saturday against what was probably the worst Oklahoma Football team of this century, all of the chickens are starting to come home to roost. If you recall, there has been a lot going on in America since about March, when this COVID-19 Pandemic shut everything down nationwide. A few months later, George Floyd, who ironically would have been turning 47 years old today, was murdered in broad daylight by a Minnesota Police Officer, sparking racial tension throughout the country and causing fractures among many working relationships.

    Professional Athletes took the initiative, using their platforms to bring attention to this specific issue and the issue of racial inequality in America. This time, in an unprecedented twist, the College Athletes followed. For the first time that I can ever remember, there was a unified voice of minority athletes in “amateur” athletics and everything rallied around the death of Mr. Floyd. Other issues began to be examined closer by the younger generation and they’ve began asking questions and challenging “traditions” that have long been standing at many institutions across the country. 

    Everything became public on June 12th for Texas. Players voiced their displeasure and lack of comfort level with a few things on campus. From the lack of recognition of pioneer African American Athletes on campus such as Julius Whittier, to the names of individuals that in the past have been associated with hate and racial division removed from campus buildings. They wanted change. 


    The “Eyes of Texas,” is a long-standing tradition for the University of Texas and for many of its graduates and fans. There was attention brought to the origins of the song and there were players on the team that stated that they didn’t feel comfortable singing the song.


    Texas Coach Tom Herman also publicly sided with his players and has even led marches downtown with his team to bring attention to issues of racial injustice.

    On July 13th, new Texas President Jay Hartzell announced that a wide range of diversity initiatives had been created in response to the letter publicly posted by the athletes on campus. If you remember, there was plenty of outpouring public approval from Texas players on social media after these changes were announced.




    It appears though, unfortunately, that not much has really changed from that time up until this very moment that I’m writing this piece. 


    This was just tweeted out on Monday, October 12, 2020. Sterns didn’t play in the game against Oklahoma on October 10th

    On October 4th, Texas President Jay Hartzell said the following in an email to the university community, “I understand and appreciate the deep passion surrounding our alma mater, “The Eyes of Texas.” As we move forward and continue to perform and sing ‘The Eyes,’ it is critical that we understand the full history of the song, share that history broadly and provide context around its meanings, origins, and roles during the past 120 years.”

    It was then stated that Texas would revisit the topic in early 2021, which essentially left the topic to be a potential issue later on.

    It’s officially become an enormous issue.

    Following the Quadruple OT loss to Oklahoma on Saturday, pictures began to circulate on social media, message boards, and other forms of the internet of Senior Quarterback Sam Ehlinger standing as the lone player that remained on the field after the game for the duration of the song.




    There has been outrage expressed by some fans publicly and there have been rumors of donations being rescinded behind the scenes from program donors over the issue. 

    Are we sure this is really about the song and not about the extremely underwhelming fourth year under a former hotshot young coach with a 4-year starter at the helm?

    I knew the lyrics to ‘The Eyes’ when I was at Texas. Hell, as Freshmen, we were all forced to stand up together onstage and sing it in front of the rest of the team. I stood out on the field with my teammates after games and often held up my index and pinky fingers after ballgames -whether we won or we lost- simply out of respect for the people in the stands that came out to support or traveled to support the team during our 60 minutes of battle.

    Do I believe that it is not a great look that the majority of the guys didn’t stay out there? Yes. 

    Sure, it would be nice to show some unity by everyone sticking around together and standing afterward for the song. From the other side of the spectrum, though, they kind of DID show unity by everyone being on the same page and leaving the field. In that same breath, I think one guy choosing to stay out on the field by himself could also be considered not being a good teammate. Just a thought. 

    Do I believe that any intent or malice was meant behind the players not staying out there? Not really.

    Think about it. After a loss, especially one that was extended extra time like that one, the last thing most guys want to do is stand outside with their helmets off in the heat and sing. 

    Especially considering the setting, with Oklahoma celebrating midfield in the backdrop.

    If the song in question is one that some players have expressed that they are uncomfortable with, well, that also makes some sense as to why some guys wouldn’t stick around if given an option.

    Tom Herman had given his guys the option and a lot of people have a big problem with that. Should it really come as a surprise that he doesn’t/didn’t make it a requirement? 

    This off-season has been filled with Herman publicly backing his players. He can’t really renege on that now, especially with his job possibly on the line if this program doesn’t put together a string of W’s in a hurry. But the kitchen is about to get even hotter.

    Athletic Director Chris Del Conte gave Herman a 2-year contract extension on his previous deal which was good through 2021, pushing Herman’s contract through 2023 with the final two years being worth a total of over $13 Million. If Texas were to cut bait with Herman after this season, it would be on the hook for three years of paying a guy that isn’t working for him as well as a brand-new staff for a new coach.

    Not ideal at all in the current climate of financial uncertainty that has been caused by COVID-19. 

    The two are starting to look like their fates could be tied together, but that could still be to be determined based on Herman’s next move. Late yesterday evening, this news came out from Del Conte in his weekly public forum:


    If I am to be understanding this correctly, the players are now going to be asked (required? forced?) to stand for the song at the end of competitions.

    I’m sure that this will be seen by some players as an infringement upon their agreement and understanding from this summer. Tom Herman and his staff will be responsible for somehow keeping the band-aid on this situation, while also trying to “establish an identity” over these next 10 or so days before (hopefully) playing Baylor.

    Early in Herman’s tenure Texas had an identity. They were consistently the tougher, more physical team heading in to each matchup but that has changed the longer he has been at the helm. This is as tumultuous as I can remember hearing things being surrounding the Football program since I’ve been old enough to pay attention and I’m wondering if we’re all about to witness an epic meltdown with all eyes in America upon Texas over the next 6-8 weeks. 



    Ugh this is so fucking stupid

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  6. 3 minutes ago, BrazilHorn said:

    We cannot let the distraction of drum majors and the players singing/not singing the EOT take our eyes of the fact that Herman has to go.

    Hell man I agree, on this and further that EOT is a mind-numbing conversation to read through and participate in. I hate it.... but, is this the admin/CDC trying to justify their way out of Tom? By putting Saturday's Sam's Lone Stand all on Herman?

  7. The Insider: Eyes of Texas debacle raises stakes for Herman

    VIP ByCHIP BROWN 14 minutes ago

    On Wednesday, I spoke with Texas track coach Edrick Floreal, men’s swimming coach Eddie Reese, women’s swimming coach Carol Capitani and softball coach Mike White about what’s been relayed from athletic director Chris Del Conte to UT coaches about how their teams should handle the playing of the Eyes of Texas following competitions.

    “Chris (Del Conte) has made it clear in the current climate, no athlete will be forced to sing (the Eyes), but that we’re going to continue to have the song as a tradition and to behave respectfully during the Eyes,” Floreal said.

    Reese, who has won 14 national titles, said Del Conte has repeatedly addressed the Eyes during weekly coaches meetings since the summer.

    “The understanding we have is during the playing of the Eyes of Texas, we don’t have to sing or Hookem, but we should be there as a team,” Reese said.

    White added, “He (Del Conte) has given us some guidelines, such as staying on the field for it (the Eyes). Beyond that, the student-athletes don’t have to sing it if they’re not comfortable with it.

    “Our student-athletes have a voice and deserve to have their own opinion. We have to respect that. The student-athletes should also be respectful of the other side’s opinion - the alumni and boosters of the program - that see the Eyes of Texas as a source of pride and not as a song with racial overtones.”

    Capitani said, “He (Del Conte) told the coaches, ‘Bring your team together, do what you need to do to show respect and appreciation for the fans, but you don’t have to sing the song.’”

    Capitani said Del Conte reached out to coaches again last week to make sure everyone was on the same page about the Eyes of Texas.

    “He said, ‘I don’t want people just running off the field. That gives the impression your team is divided,’” Capitani quoted Del Conte as saying. “He (Del Conte) was upset, because he thought he had communicated that well previously and been clear with his expectations.”


    Three fall sports are currently competing: football, women’s soccer and volleyball.

    The Texas soccer team has stood together, arm-in-arm during the post-game playing of the Eyes.

    After the volleyball team huddled initially, with their backs to the fans, during the Eyes, Del Conte went and met with the team and asked the players to simply stand during the Eyes as a show of respect and appreciation for the Texas fans in attendance.

    Despite Del Conte reiterating to all his coaches last week not to have players running off the field, the post-game debacle with the Eyes occurred at the Cotton Bowl.


    So Del Conte met with the football team Wednesday before practice. According to sources, Del Conte asked players to remain on the field for the Eyes.

    We’ll know how the team digested that message at UT’s next home game - against Baylor on Oct. 24.

    (As of right now, Baylor is indicating to Texas the Bears expect to be back at practice this weekend and that next week’s game doesn’t appear to be in jeopardy, barring any new developments.)


    Herman opened his weekly press conference on Monday addressing the Eyes, and it was clear his vision of how things should go didn’t match up with Del Conte’s expectations.

    “I’ve encouraged our staff and team to join me in participating (in the Eyes) after games, if they are comfortable doing that,” Herman said. “I do believe it’s important that we acknowledge and thank our fans after a hard-fought game.

    “ … That said, some members of our program have concerns and aren’t comfortable participating at this time. And I respect that as well.”


    Complicating the issue Saturday was the delay in the playing of the Eyes by the Cotton Bowl operations staff. As the home team, Oklahoma’s alma mater was played first.

    Without the band attending Texas games thus far, the Eyes wasn’t played at UT’s road game with Texas Tech.

    According to sources, a large number of Texas football players — even players who wanted to stand for the Eyes after the OU game — didn’t think the Eyes were going to be played and headed to the locker room as OU’s Golden Hat celebration began.


    “I don’t think the players were told about the Eyes being played after the OU game, because I know there are many players who would’ve been out there with Sam (Ehlinger),” one parent of a Texas player told Horns247.

    That parent said the image of Ehlinger standing alone, “as if abandoned by his teammates, was upsetting to a lot of players who want to be present for the Eyes. And it’s resulted in a lot of players — and their parents — being asked about why they weren’t there. It’s another, needless distraction for a team trying to get their season going.”


    That parent and multiple other team sources said contrary to speculation, the Texas locker room is anything but divided.

    “Everything I’m hearing is the players are closeknit and still working very hard,” the parent said. “I think they’re just frustrated they aren’t playing better. But any narrative that the team is divided is totally false.”

    We’ll see where things go from here on the field.

    Off the field, the Eyes snafu at the Cotton Bowl has raised the stakes for Herman in terms of job security.

    Phone calls and emails with questions and concerns from influential boosters have poured into UT president Jay Hartzell’s office, sources said.


    A source close to Hartzell said, “It’s been conveyed to Tom Herman and all our coaches the expectation is for student-athletes to be present for the post-game playing of the Eyes of Texas.

    “Three teams are playing right now. Two are getting it right (soccer and volleyball). One is getting it wrong (football). That speaks to coaching.”

    Sources said reports of some $25 million in UT athletics facility upgrade pledges drying up are false.


    “We’re in close contact with our donors,” the source in the UT Tower told Horns247. “And Chris (Del Conte) does an exhaustive job of responding and communicating with all Texas fans and boosters. He holds town hall meetings to explain everything going on. He’s totally transparent, and it’s appreciated.”

    One UT head coach who asked to remain anonymous said the post-game optics at the Cotton Bowl were bad for the entire university and now serve as a cautionary tale for UT's other coaches and teams.


    “We are all cheering for football," the coach said. "And Chris (Del Conte) makes it clear to all of us football is the engine of the athletic department.

    "But what happened last Saturday gives the impression we're fighting amongst ourselves when our focus needs to be on being one as a university, focused on fighting our on-field enemies.

    "And, obviously, when you're not winning, this stuff gets magnified even more. If Texas wins that game, no one is talking about this."


    Hartzell has worked diligently to meet with members of the 149 student organizations as well as black student-athletes at Texas, who made demands in June for a more inclusive campus.

    Those demands included replacing the Eyes of Texas with “a new song without racist undertones.”

    In July, Hartzell announced several changes to make the campus more inclusive, including a statue of the first black football letterman at Texas - Julius Whittier - as well as renaming the school’s football field for Texas Heisman Trophy winners Earl Campbell and Ricky Williams.


    Hartzell said the Eyes would remain as UT’s school song and UT “will own, acknowledge and teach about all aspects of the origins of ‘The Eyes of Texas’ as we continue to sing it moving forward with a redefined vision that unites our community.”

    Last week, Hartzell announced the report looking into the origins of the Eyes would be overseen by professor Richard Reddick, the school’s associate dean for equity, community engagement and outreach in UT’s College of Education.


    “As we move forward and continue to perform and sing ‘The Eyes,’ it is critical that we understand the full history of the song, share that history broadly and provide context around its meanings, origins and roles during the past 120 years,” Hartzell said.

    He added, “Our important work to ensure that every person on our campus - regardless of background - knows and feels they are welcome at UT will not be completed in a few months. It will take years - and will take all of us participating.”


    So, Herman's list of things to clean up following a 2-2 start and his seventh loss to an unranked opponent as a ranked team (most in FBS since 2017) now includes his team's handling of the Eyes.


    Ironically, when asked on Monday how he'll address the Eyes with his team in the short term, Herman said he would rely on the school's leaders.

    "Our leadership, both at a university level and an athletic department level, is working very hard on that," Herman said. "And we'll follow their lead, wherever that takes us."

    It would be great if Chip Brown and Herman move on together from Texas. 

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