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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 4 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Additionally, it seems like Luke loves it at UT and his teammates. Oh, by the way, the Brocks should have fucking been committed before last year even fucking happened. But they weren't.

    My god this is frustrating. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Orange&White said:

    I don't think there are any discussions of the Brocks going to Bama that doesn't include a futureman post saying they are signing with Texas.

    Tommy Brockermeyer: I am committing to Alabama! Row Tad! #PleaseRespectMyDecision

    futureman: no you're not


  3. 6 minutes ago, Scholz said:

    Fatass makes Joseph Goebbels look honest and objective.

    I can only hear Joe Jamail calling an attorney "Fat Boy" now. 

    If only I weren't a fatass myself, it'd be so much funnier to me than it already is. . 

    • Haha 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Getafix said:

    Should play this at the re-naming ceremony.

    (For those who haven't watched this before - Joe Jamail is the guy taking the deposition (you see his hands).)


    lmao "you dumb son of a bitch!" dude bows up and Jamail is up in a split second saying "come over here!"

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, campcrunk said:

    If anything, I'd bet it makes Herman's stubborn ass more entrenched in his decision to not before because he feels like he's a Mensa genius and everyone else is stupid - just like with Casey Horny and James Brock. 

    I'd bet it's not even if anything. You and me aren't a concern unless we have the ability to pull significant money off the tables. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, cochamps said:

    You don’t have to be Perry Mason to figure out what happened.

    I think that's kinda around the truth of it. I don't see why not just saying that would be enough, instead of clippings of a bunch of quotes that don't really say a whole lot. 

    "She posts on TexAgs!!" So she's an aggy?

    "She durn't like YouTee!" So she's an aggy?

    "Everything adds up to her son wanting to go to UT, but for some reason it appears he's not." Ahh, so momma got to him. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    Recent history says otherwise at WR, though. If that line is landing, Coleman sucks at recruiting. We're losing guys to current Baylor and the prospects of what could happen at Mississaggy. Also, aggy. Also, TCU who has not been good for 3 years, despite putting receivers in the league. I get that the generic idea Texas isn't developing can be applied willy nilly, but pushing back should be much easier than it's proving to be. 

    I can sit there as a Baylor or TCU coach and at least say our school has put a receiver in the first round of the draft within the past four years. It doesn't have to mean shit to me and you, but I don't think UT's record in recent drafts looks that appealing to kids over others. Offensive skill position players (WRs) are the diva-est of them all, that's gunna be a turn-off.

    Hell, Garrett Wilson literally said it himself a little less than two years ago. Whether they've put up better offensive numbers since then or not still hasn't changed that.... yet. 


    (EDIT: Not saying Coleman isn't having issues, btw)

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    Is it just the proximity to chokelahoma that suppresses the fact that we've sported (statistically) one of the best offenses in the country the last 2 years? Especially for WR. And now, we made an investment in an OC who plans to push more chunk yardage plays. So....why the hell are we struggling at WR recruiting this cycle? Can we not sell any of this effectively?

    You know what it is. It's nothing about what the offense has looked like on the field this year, it's what every other coach these kids visits with tells them about UT's past draft success, especially of skill position players on offense. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    but we can't commit to changing a building that was named after a teacher who wouldn't teach black students.

    I imagine "we" will, though. You'd hope, anyway.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Even if you choose to ignore the fact that the building names have been an issue on campus for years - other schools are dealing with the same shit and handling it better.

    Princeton took a presidents name off of a building but we can't commit to changing a building that was named after a teacher who wouldn't teach black students.


    I don't think Princeton is having to worry about pleasing alum and BMDs the way Texas is right now

    But my main point stands: three weeks. Princeton just made this decision five days ago, four years after it made the decision NOT to after students made a big ruckus over it. Texas, from what I can tell, has never come that close to considering any of these name changes, or has seen protests of the magnitude Princeton students had four years ago.

    Of course I could be wrong, and may need a refresher if anyone's got one (<-- and I'm being serious, not a smartass).

    Again, a couple of months and I'm like "come on now!" Three weeks? I don't care if two or three other schools have done something, that still doesn't change that it's a very short amount of time.

  11. 3 minutes ago, IDIOTsavant said:

    Truth: Mississippi had no interest in changing it's flag until it started to impact the bottom line economically. As soon as all the coaches showed up to the statehouse and said they wouldn't be able to recruit, it was a done deal.

    Now you gotta wonder how much of the bottom line Texas is worried about with big money donors. Hopefully they can work shit out with those guys, if they're presenting a solid roadblock. 

    • Like 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Students on campus have been bitching about this shit for years - but no one cared until 3 weeks ago - just like the Mississippi state flag issue.  But Mississippi got the flag changed before Texas could commit to taking down one statue or renaming one building.

    We're not talking about students, I'm talking about the team, who this is about, and them bringing it up three weeks ago for the first time.  I've been hearing about the Mississippi flag for years, with multiple movements to have it removed. 

    It'd be different if this were two months down the line. It's been three weeks. You got a lot of people involved in these decisions, and some you're gunna have to tip-toe around and make happy some other way. Then there's a whole pandemic you're working around also. 


  13. 1 minute ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    The football friendly interim (not for long) president of the University could push these changes through in 3 weeks, no question. The team is pushing the University to do what is right and it sounds like the players are hearing, "we want to, but...". If Mississippi can announce they're changing their fucking state flag (!!!) in 3 weeks, Texas can rename some buildings. 

    I dunno, apparently there is question, because he hasn't done it. I guarantee you a football friendly president, CDC, they'd all make those changes right now if it were up to them. 

    And Mississippi isn't announcing that they're changing their flag after just three weeks, that has been a burning issue for years now. UT is who's on the three weeks. 

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