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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    They need to publicly announce the statues coming down and which buildings can be renamed quickly. They also need to tell the band to learn the Gucci Mane trap Eyes, now. It's been 3 weeks. This is not hard. Had they already done that, they could have bought time to deal with the rest. Doing nothing buys no time.

    You said it.... "they" 

     You gotta get a buncha "theys" on the same page. Three weeks. Who knows how far they've gotten or not. 

    But, Overshown + some could force to get the ball rolling a lot faster. 

  2. 1 minute ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

    I don't disagree but CDC's kinda got his hands full trying to figure out how to host a football season in the middle of a pandemic

    Not only that, but CDC can't do a whole lot himself. Boosters will be involved, the University. It goes beyond the athletic department. 

  3. 1 minute ago, IDIOTsavant said:

    I'd more interested in hearing what Overshown heard. Communicating across multiple demographics (age, race, etc) can morph even a direct message. We need to be actively trying to understand how the message is being received. Genuine intentions mean nothing if they're seen as disingenuous.

    Very true.

    To me, reading his statement a few times, it seems like he's just upset nothing has happened yet, and is making his play to force change. Wish we knew more. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Ryno said:

    A lot of those things they mentioned should have been wiped off the earth about 3 whole decades ago. Asking for a little urgency now isn’t the worst thing...

    It'd be fine if it were only up to CDC, or Tomothy. It's not. Logistically three weeks just isn't a lot. Would be interesting to know what the players are being told. 

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  5. 9 minutes ago, RGBIII said:


    "It's been 3 whole long weeks and 100 years of things have not yet been wiped off the earth!"

    And I wouldn't say that Maya Moore "sat out." She was actually getting shit done. Hope you do the same, 'Shown. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, golfclap said:

    Carl busting out breaking info that has been known on this thread for months. I mean, FFS CTJ has been gone for how long? The Brocks original plan was to commit in July. It's part of why anyone talking about them "waiting to see how Texas improves" was nonsense.They've been Bama-bound since having Blake's feelings hurt and getting the grudging ok from Kristy. This isn't even new information on this fucking thread. 


    Someone forward this to Herman and Hand, then. 

  7. Just now, Burt Macklin said:

    I agree. I don’t think he’s acting reasonably, and if the players’ stance really is do everything we want immediately and we’re not willing to have any discussion, then they’re not being reasonable either, but the onus is still on the administration to respond and do it quickly. 

    Agree with everything. But also as I said up there, that maybe with these social media updates and tea-leaves with what a couple of players are saying, we're all overreacting on what the situation actually is. Hopefully. 

  8. 1 minute ago, tokamak said:

    That list of items is significantly different from the one that the football players posted on social media. I'd say more difficult, too. Literally changing the admissions practices of the university, even if it's something that the administration is open to, isn't going to happen overnight. Could be legal issues there. No idea what the UTPD one even means, but that may be a tough putt, too. I could see renaming the Belo center - which is certainly named after the company and not the guy - being legally impossible.

    Not to say I agree or disagree with the examples you've laid out, but you're right in how difficult some of these things can be, and hopefully cooler heads prevail on how monumental this all is and that sometimes that means even more time is required to be taken.


    I think with social media, and us getting updates every two minutes on what's going on, we may also be rushing to judgement on how dire the situation is right now. Or maybe it really is, but it is possible that strong leadership up top with Sterns and company could smooth over a more methodical transition to concessions. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    but decide on a plan of action quickly and execute. 



    It's unfortunate, as I said in "the" other thread, that "listening" is being confused with all out "compliance." No one is really wanting a discussion right now, but it's just kinda the way it is, it looks. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Pasken said:

    That’s just confirmation that we have racism embedded in our culture. 

    Well no shit we do. Who would argue against that? Our white history here on this land is only 400 or so years old (vikings pending), and over half of that featured Slavery, and we've had racist laws against blacks in this country within the past one hundred years. I'm not sure what people expect. 

  11. Doesn’t matter how it’s song. It’s the origin. Bruce Springsteen could move to Haiti. He will always be a Jersey act. This isn’t hard. 

    A lot of our successful space exploration missions and technology has its roots in Nazi science, that doesn’t mean we’ve put concentration camps on the moons (we have two now!).

    We’re a relatively young country, and most of our history has featured slavery and/or a lot of shitty racist laws against mostly black people, along with racist practices from business to entertainment, so chances are there are going to be a shit ton of things that have origins in slavery and racism.

    But for me, if it bothers black people, any race, then we should listen to them, 100%. But some of us are getting “listening” confused with all out compliance. We can still have discussions, keep an open mind, and try to learn from one another before just throwing up our hands and saying “take everything!”

    This goes back to the very founders of this country. Just because they were racist slave owners, doesn’t mean their ideas outside of that must solely belong to Jersey!!!!

    • Like 3
  12. Just now, Elmer_Fudd said:

    I'm not going to go find it, but I remember Looch back around February was confident in Ibraheem going to aggy.  I hope we can get some spin from Texags later.

    They've already started according to some Frenzy tweets last night/evening.

  13. 8 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Then why shouldn't we get rid of the whole system?

    You could make the argument that we should, if this is how we're going about things now.

    Crazy to think deeply about. But I'm considering just dwelling on the surface with the rest. Now taking offers on which side to join: "You're probably racist!; or "You liberal pussy!"


  14. 5 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I'm totally fine with this. But, I'm not sure they'll want to play in a stadium that held segregated teams for decades anyway, so we'll need to build a new stadium. 

    This is what I meant earlier when saying that this could go on forever. Not trying to make the same ole trite slippery slope argument, it's just a reality if we are going this route, that this university could be completely unrecognizable and then, what's the attachment for anyone?

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