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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 2 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

    In any negotiation it's good to overask and hope for a compromise that meets your actually wants. Ask any one of the thousand do nothing lawyers on here.

    Sometimes your ask could be so ridiculous you get put on ice like the nation of CHAZ. I believe the ask for the song is approaching that realm. Maybe I should re-read the lyrics because it's the words that matter not the melody.

    No doubt, you over-ask, but I'm not going to pretend that these kids are skilled in the arts of negotiation and won't just go for it all or walk.

    Puts Tom in a pretty shitty situation, if he wasn't already having a heckuva time. Trying to back his players, but he knows it's gunna be an uphill battle with the admin and donors. He's gotta be shitting himself. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Llano Estacado said:

    A satirical song got flipped on its head and now means more to me than some racist Cowboy generations ago could possibly. imagine.

    I can get down with all the other demands, but the Eyes unites all of us win or lose. Seeing it go would be tough especially knowing that whatever it’s replaced with is going to be hot Steve Patterson-esque focus grouped garbage.

    This is a point that I can completely understand from the other side.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Nope said:

     Probably wasn’t your intention but nevertheless.

    What’s wrong with making improvements where you are?

    It wasn't. I'm not saying that at all. My point was, you're only here at this university a short period of time. If you're just finding out how racist the history of a lot of these things around you are, then do you really still love it that much, and wouldn't it just be easier to start over somewhere else? 

    thinking on it a bit more, it makes sense that you'd try to change the thing you love for the better. 

    5 minutes ago, UncleSonny said:

    Maybe finding out how racist everything around you is at the university you love and making real efforts to change is...i dunno, clearly right?

    Sure. I can see that side. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Eh, this sounds like the gay marriage slippery slope arguments, "what's next, bestiality!?!?". They should go make these mostly pretty sensible changes, we can all have an honest conversation around the song (which I'd personally like to see kept), and not go off the deep end.

    Well, it's not. I don't know how to say it any clearer that it's just an honest observation, that if you're finding out just how racist everything around you is at this university you love and are playing for, you're gunna have to change a whole helluva lot. That's it. Not a who's right or wrong, just...what it is I dunno


    Honestly, more power to the kids

  5. 1 minute ago, 4th&Five said:

    Love it or leave it?

    I mean, I'm not saying that, but the history of this university, and most on this side of the country who've been around as long as Texas, have history's that are steeped to holy fuck in racism. I guess I'm just trying to say, where does that end? 


    I'm gunna go ahead and give up on the convo, cos I can see there isn't going to be any nuance involved, just honest thoughts.

  6. 18 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Wrong thread for this, but it's less about the cases rebounding and more about sports leagues around the world having an effective blueprint for reopening relatively safely so teams can recoup their TV money and stay viable into the next normal season.

    nm, not gunna derail

  7. 11 hours ago, Atticus said:

    He didn't find anything out about whether he'd be starting or not, they haven't even started camp. 

    They've already come into the facility. And no doubt the coaches already have their depth chart entering this fall training or whatever we're gunna call it. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    But... he did that? Or did you want him to can them after the Sugar Bowl?

    tbf it's less about what he wants, and about how the Brocks view things. But, if not that, what else is it (honest question, haven't paid too much attention to them personally as I really believed they were in the bag)? Are these kids just that set on striking out on their own, or where'd we fuck up? Hand can't be that big of a deterrent in this situation...


    .. I gotta imagine it's a combo of not cutting bait sooner, and not winning in '19. Mainly not winning in '19.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Lonestar88 said:

    Other teams are telling recruits Herman is on the hot seat because he lost 5 games last year, not because of some vague comment CDC made. 

    No, I'm pretty sure other teams are telling them both.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    so why say “you get one chance Tom?” It’s not productive

    I think you're reading too much into what he said regarding that one chance. It wasn't really and indictment of Tom, as much as it was just a statement of fact.

    But the important part is how 16/17 yos read into it, so I see you there. 

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:

    Decommit SZN will be wild, for sure. But, for no other reason than kids deciding to secure an early spot and moving on to better situations, or being bumped out in favor of the aforementioned. 

    Football will happen in the fall for every conference in some form or other. The P12 won't be the odd man out. Larry Scott is dumb af, but he won't let his network sit idle in the fall. I would guess, if anything, that they have a delayed start that eliminates their non-conference games (and in turn, any hopes of a playoff berth). Either way, even if they didn't play a season, why would that effect 2021 recruits? They may give a transfer exception without a season and that might actually help with a bunch of 2021 kids that see a path to early playing time at big time schools. It's unprecedented shit. They'll still get someone in the Rose Bowl. The PAC 12 won't disappear. 

    If a coach out West can't overcome "bUt WhAt If ThErE iS aNoThEr GlObAl PaNdEmIc?!?!", then they have bigger issues. 

    Agree that it's likely not to happen, but disagree in how much of an impact selling a kid on another global pandemic cancelling another PAC12 football season will have when there would probably be only 78 articles citing WHO warnings of another tick-up while already living through one cancelled season and oh yah: 17 y/os.

  12. 22 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    This is not at all accurate. Recruiting will go on regardless of whether the PAC-12 or Michigan play, or even if the whole damn season is just cancelled. These kids are going to be recruited and are going to commit to schools regardless. And, while I can't quite believe it, it's looking increasingly likely that this season will be played, regardless of whether it's done safely. The questions will be how a cancelled or partial season will impact redshirts, eligibility, program scholarship numbers, class size limits, etc.


    No one's saying recruiting will stop. Simply having your football program being placed on the backburner while every other conference/team is playing football isn't going to be ideal for recruiting (unless you were gunna suck).

    And don't think outside coaches won't be selling those kids on this all happening again, affecting them when they're actually on campus. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Oregon is one that sticks in my craw. And it's not just that they're paying kids. Christobal is a dirty fuck, but they have managed to go straight into pit stops for shooting themselves in the dick, negative perception of program trajectory, player development, everything. They flipped a switch and 2 years later they're recruiting their asses off and putting kids in the NFL. Meanwhile, we're still stuck in 2nd gear. Fucking infuriating. And lets not pretend the Pac 12 is a better football conference than the Big 12. 

    Oregon is hip AF and has approximately 1700 different uniform combinations. Paying these kids on top of all of that should be illegal....


  14. 44 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Maybe Alabama and Ohio state and LSU put more players in the league and in higher rounds because the best prospects go there?  How many Texas prospects has Texas wanted badly, who would have been drafted as a longhorn, but chose to go to those other places?

    or are we thinking that okudah and chaisson and others wouldn’t have been drafted had they chosen Texas?  

    That's for sure part of it, and this is exactly what Tom and the staff are having to sell these kids, that they the player themselves are by far the biggest part of the equation (partly true), along with "this is the year you start to see the progress MY staff has made here." The problem is, it just hits a little easier for these kids when they see the names and schools right in front of them, and there's five schools tellin' them what you don't want them to hear vs. just you. 

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