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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 7 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    SMU is losing 2 guys that accounted for 37 TDs, and there is no guarantee that Roberson returns either.

    Yah, I felt a little bit of talking out of the ass going on there from Howe. But it's just the kinda scraps us savages here want at this point in time. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Interesting that Shane has tamed his issues with holding onto the ball for too long (.08 sacks/attempt in '16 compared to .04 in '19) while Sam has regressed in that regard (.04 in '17 and .07 in '19).  Coaching matters, I suppose.

    Eh, maybe, but I put a little bit more of that on Sam. When a QB regresses like that without a change of system/coaching, it's usually just something the kid is doing.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Shane was about as productive on a per play basis as Sam this season.  

    Outside of rushing, he was right there with Sam, maybe even give him a little. 

    Wouldn't have been so had he started at Texas this year. In-game play-calling makes a difference.

  4. 8 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    So since you liked it so much, who do you think he is flipping off? The fans maybe?


    8 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    So since you liked it so much, who do you think he is flipping off? The fans maybe?

    Georgia/A&M, if it was during Card/Broughton announcement. 

    I'd probably flip off Surly, though. 

  5. A little excitement for NSD1 and discussion about the current Texas Longhorns Football offensive coordinator search. Newclear1 will discuss why Graham Harrell is not the right man for the job and a couple alternatives that Tom Herman should look to next.
    The 2 OC names he likes are  Memphis OC Kevin Johns & Rhett Lashlee

    Setting his opinions on Harrell/Applewhite aside, he nailed the problems with the Texas offense. It's what I've said on here, and what I've said watching the games. And to add, Sam's not the QB you wanna keep in 2nd and 3rd and longs.

    And all of what he's said is why I've kept an open-mind in regards to Lashlee. He calls the offense a shit ton better than what we've seen here.

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  6. First red flag i remember is when he was still at Houston and called into a local radio station to angrily refute an article about him recruiting Kyle Allen. It just seemed like he made it so unneccesarily personal.

    Tbf, radio host John Lopez (aggy) says he reached out to him and invited him on air, then he and his cohost Nick Wright (yah, that one) ambushed him pretty good. One of the most awkward radio moments I've ever heard live.


    They (the show and a few others in town) had hammered Herman on air the two days leading up, which also meant making UH look bad, so I'm about 100% sure that the most thinned-skinned mfer in Houston, UH BMD (and now Rockets Owner) Tilman Fertitta arranged a PR spot that went terribly wrong. Tilman is the type to call into radio shows himself unsolicited to defend himself/his teams. It all makes sense.

    So yah, Tom's a narcissistic mfer, but that was an ambush from the jump, and knowing Fertitta, he pretty much made Tom call in to begin with. Tom didn't sound like he even wanted to be on.

    Basically those are three people I dislike more than Tom, so I'll have his side on this one.




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  7. Just now, HtownHorn said:

    Gleeson or Yurcich would be good gets, so Messingham it is.

    I think Gleeson could become one of those up and coming dudes, but yah, one okay year up in the bigs worries me.

    Yurcich? Fuck yes. 

  8. Just now, dcar00 said:

    but I doubt OSU/Urban let him get away

    I keep forgetting Meyer is the assistant AD or whatever tf up there. Maybe Meyer will send Yurciglichi down here a year to scout the university before taking the job 2021

    (not serious btw)

  9. Just now, Casual Encounter said:

    You’re right, we don’t want to create a winning culture like all the top teams.

    look not everyone can get a perfect QB for their system every fucking year via the transfer poontle.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    Also, I’m pretty sure they’ve actually improved on offense since he left. 

    Ehh, not really. This year their offense plugged in probably their most athletic QB they've had, but even so averaged about *4 ppg less than last year under Messyham. Not to count this past weekend was the first time since like, 2002 that they didn't score a single TD in a home game. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Our OL is still being shit on way too much around here. They were asked to block the same running play 35 times per game while our RB's alignment told the defense when it might be a run. Then they were asked to pass block for a QB with limited route progression ability while our RB's alignment guaranteed it was a pass play, not to mention as defenses figured out our limited route combinations and sat on routes.

    They weren't world-beaters but they certainly weren't the main issue with the offense like we've been used to the last several seasons.

    This is so on the got damned point.

  12. Just now, closetohumping said:

    According to a tcu guy we tried to hire Malcolm kellly and he flipped qj?   Damn

    You can't just come on here and mention this casually. 


    EDIT: Went over to the recruiting board. How terrible. 

  13. 33 minutes ago, Minor Orangeblack said:

    Every time I get neg rep I’ll be damned if it’s not the same Casual Encounter, TexPete, or Burt Macklin  I’m starting to think these are all the same person. But of course that could never be, no one is that egomaniacal unless the calls are coming from inside Belmont.

    Here, have a different source. 

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  14. Seriously - despite 30 years in football - no one has heard of that fucking guy. 

    I definitely know of the guy, being my #2 college team is NDSU. Just... I don't see it.

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  15. I think it was nice to hear a name that 1) is good at their job and 2) isn't in Herman's comfort zone.  The reaction isn't necessarily solely related to this specific hire falling apart, but moreso confirming many fans' preconceived notions of the type of people Herman wants to bring in.

    I can get that part of it, but without knowing who all is seriously being considered... ahhh fuck it

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  16. I feel like loading up with pessimism is a very unpleasant way to go through life. 

    I get it to a point, but ffs! All of these OC positions that were open and Harrell was only mentioned as a possibility for one, and we're acting like we missed out on Jesus.


    Hell maybe we did


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  17. I feel like loading up with pessimism is a very unpleasant way to go through life. 

    I get it to a point, but ffs! All of these OC positions that were open and Harrell was only mentioned as a possibility for one, and we're acting like we missed out on Jesus.

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