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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. FCB

    Saturday, 7:45 pm - Hearing USC offensive coordinator Graham Harrell has been getting an early start on working some misdirection and is still VERY much in the mix to succeed Tim Beck at Texas. (Chip Brown)



    Regardless who it's coming from, the fact nothing with USC has been announced is a plus for the good guys (until it's not).



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  2. Who is saying that? If seen multiple post like this, please tell me who is saying that they’d be upset with Tom if Ash is hired by OSU?? You guys are ridiculous. It’s a shitty hire no matter if OSU wants him or not. Tim Beck was once employed by OSU and called plays. He’s still a shitty play caller. 

    No one is saying it because it hasn't happened yet. Be patient ffs

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  3. and players are realizing that they are playing a bowl game for a bunch of coaches who probably won't be here come January.

    Whether they had already hired these coaches or not, this would still be the case.

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  4. But if Ash becomes DC for tOSU then Herman sucks for not hiring Ash right away because obviously Ash is awesome if tOSU wants him.

    Do I have that right?

    Yes. The wringing of pussy over Herman possibly making a comfort hire in Ash has now become a wringing of pussy over Herman not making a comfort hire in Ash based off of zero reports of Ash having done anything.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:


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    There are a lot of rumors floating that a deal has been made. Funny enough, some people don't even know for who. I reported what I was confident in but it's possible things are more advanced than I wrote in the Humidor.


    Damn Son o' Hoodie comin'!

  6. 10 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    because it doesn't make sense why USC wouldn't have announced his intentions to return by now.

    (and no, he didn't secretly tell the 300+ 16 and 17 year olds he recruits, who have somehow all managed to keep it secret. There is absolutely no reason we shouldn't have at the very least seen a legit "negotiating a new contract" report by now)

  7. 30 minutes ago, Rhinotx said:

    I’m thinking that since Harrell doesn’t seem to be coming and hasn’t signed the contract extension  at USC that he doesn’t want a big OC contract with a big buyout. If he doesn’t leave or sign a new contract he is preparing for an HC job next season. 

    No. What's happening here is that Harrell has either not made up his mind, or for some reason he and whoever he chose to be his employer next year have not announced his intentions. We could all be shocked by it being a school other than USC or Texas, because it doesn't make sense why USC wouldn't have announced his intentions to return by now.

  8. Just now, NoName said:

    Texas isn't waiting on Applewhite at this point in time. if they were, they would have gone to him before GH

    I'm gunna guess they're not going after Applewhite myself, but, I disagree with the latter part of your statement. Based off of what little we know right now to begin with, would we even know if they had spoken with Applewhite?

  9. 12 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    That's made up bullshit, at least it reads that way to me. Herman is a lot of things, but even he isn't retarded enough to believe that a coordinator being woo'd by Texas isn't immediately going to go back to his agent and the school currently employed at and use it to leverage for the best possible deal regardless. In other words, no school is going to be fucking left flat flooted without a chance to counter. Period. What a stupid fucking whine. Also, if anyone didn't think LSU had tentative plans to keep brady as of fucking September they're dumber than Daddy98 after a 5 day bender of huffing gasoline. 

    Right. Like all of the sudden Tom stopped calling the 995s to update them on the candidates he was talking to because he didn't want their current schools finding out about it. 

  10. Just now, Skipper said:

    I meant that if he hears through his agent circles that a current HC may take one of those jobs, and he's interested in that job opening, he may hold up for that opening.  But doesn't seem like there will be many more dominoes to fall at this point.

    Ahhh I getcha

  11. Just now, Skipper said:

    I haven't seen anything saying that he is, but if he happens to be on the radar for FAU or Memphis he'll hold out for those.  Or if he thinks a coach that will take those jobs will create an opening he'll wait.   Waiting out HC jobs before declaring one way or the other is really the only thing that makes any sense.

    Hmm, could be.  I just know UTSA and UNLV were the two HC jobs he had interviewed for, and those are now officially closed. Haven't heard him linked to the other two, but you're right.

    As for waiting for one of those jobs to open up an OC position once they've settled on their new HC, I still imagine he'd shoot higher than those (USC/UT).

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