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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. Here to eat my crow on Drinkerseinkwitzki. Figured the best bet would be one more year at App then parlay that into a better HC gig.
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    Nm. Was under the impression Mizzou had already hired HC and Drinkwitz would be going as a coordinator. My bad. No crow eating for me.

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    Looks like Eli is Mizzu bound...


    Here to eat my crow on Drinkerseinkwitzki. Figured the best bet would be one more year at App then parlay that into a better HC gig.



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  3. Scott Frost didn’t exactly make a normal transition either. Who knows...

    I just know the history of it, and there aren't many surprises after bowl season. Shit's usually settled and out in the open, just up to them and current employer as to whether or not they coach in a bowl game.



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  4. Texas likely wouldn’t get a bump in recruiting over the next couple weeks no matter what. Relationships take time and maybe plans are being communicated to the recruits already committed. 

    Sure, "likely" not, but you would still want that information out there for any recruits on the fence.



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  5. I don't know if he is coming here.
    Bet they wouldn't announce Harrell before early signing day, to give USC the opportunity to keep their early commitments.

    Fuck that. Announcing Harrell early gives UT a bump in their recruiting, why would they throw away that advantage to help USC?

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  6. He may have turned us down already. How would we know?  He’s not required to run to social media to publicly reject a job offer. 

    I guess we're all assuming it's really down to UT and USC. So if he's returning to USC, then both he and the university are out of their got damn minds not letting their recruits know.

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  7. My sources tell me the new nacho vendor layers the cheese and chips to fill the gaps. 

    Don't care, he could be the best but he's almost very close to a comfort hire so I'll be upset.

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  8. Well nachos are comfort food...

    Ugh they make me so uncomfortable, wondering if the bottom half will even get a drop of cheese or any other topping on them. I DIDN'T ORDER CHIPS!

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  9. Not that "comfort hiring" isn't a problem, but I'm starting to hear the words "don't know shit about the guy" in my head any time I read the words "comfort hire" on here.



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  10. The corollary: everyone knows Harrell is not a comfort hire or a buddy hire. 

    But isn't he an "almost comfort" hire? I mean, Herman did coach Bru McCoy for two seconds, who Harrell also coached, so shouldn't we be wringing vag over this?





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  11. Have you not been around for the past 3 months?

    No, I haven't. "I missed it!"

    I usually don't venture onto Surly during the regular season, and if so it's the recruiting board.

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  12. Chris Ash and Rhett Lashlee would be so on brand for Herman. A buddy and a lazy hire slightly outside his coaching tree. It would be 2017 all over again. 

    Oh man now we're doing "almost comfort" hire complaining of hires not yet hired.

    I had forgotten how miserable people could be on here, and tbh I missed it!

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  13. tenor.gif?itemid=6192723

    Right. Dude is still out there working the recruiting trail hard for USC. If not strongly considering other options, it's be in his best interest to shut that distraction down. Like, today. Plz. Thx

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  14. Why would we pay through the nose to bring a guy in to run the same shit we’ve been watching?

    The number of people who think Harrell would be coming in to run what Tom wants him to is baffling. Tom is Tom and say what you want about him, but he wouldn't be wasting Harrell's, and his own time if that were the case.

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  15. Anything new on the Traylor-to-Lamar rumor? Like to get him here for recruiting purposes.

    He's supposed to be interviewing with Lamar today.


    Have also seen rumors that he could be retained by next staff at Arky.



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  16. He makes 750,000 at App St not to mention much more notoriety here. 

    I think immediate $ would be about the only reason. One more successful year at App State and his name will be pretty much blazing in HC conversations.

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  17. Why is it risky?  It’s fucking Texas.

    And if you think about it, staying in the situation he's in right now is a risk within itself. And it's not like there are a ton of risk-free lateral moves out there he'd be turning down.


    Coaches take chances. Not sure why this is being viewed as some new concept Harrell would be exploring.



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