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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 95% of P5 FB coaches are on the hot seat if they shit the bed, this is not unique. 


    Let’s remember this is coming from FCB, who’s always been for hire and agents use him often.

    Super K is FCB?


    Obviously it's not unique, but when you're Texas and shit is taking this long to get turned around, who really gives a shit?


    If it's not capped, and not my money, I'm not gunna be that concerned about someone else's pockets.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. You're asking an up and coming coordinator in demand to relocate to a situation where the HC is sitting in a pretty warm seat. Yah, you're probably gunna have to overspend.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  3. Gary Kubiak would be an interesting candidate. Good at quickly improving offenses and has Texas ties. Bonus... Would piss off a lot of Ags if he came to Texas and helped turn the program around.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk

    Now if Tom can just start recruiting statue QBs

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  4. 34 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I feel like that thread title works no matter what happens. It could either mean that the Head Narcissist in Charge has sorted his bullshit and the program has reached escape velocity from the muck of mediocrity in which we've been mired for this last decade, or it could mean that we kicked his sorry fucking ass to the curb and we've Hermancipated ourselves from his own insipid, dickless regime. 

    Hermancipated. I'm stealing the fuck out of that one.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Guaranteeing 3 years highly paid when your head coach has a win or gtfo year coming up seems like a waste of money. 

    Paying some raggedy ann and andy assed coordinators next to nothing doesn't inspire confidence in recruits and current players, either. 

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Spider2YBanana said:

    Asshole or not, he's a good DC. We don't want a Charlie Strong hug-fest. I want a dude who teaches how to get to the qb, and can recruit (which I'm not sure how well he does). 

    Just a joke. 


    Just now, Spider2YBanana said:

    I'd fucking love the Steele hire. Auburn DC's have been gems for us, and he would be no different. 

    eh I heard he was an asshole once

    • Haha 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Well sure I guess he didn't have to hire a full staff at Tulane if some guys hung around after Brown left. I don't have any idea how that went down in 1988.

    But what we do know is that Greg Davis had an absolutely terrible tenure as a head coach. Davis was their head coach from 1988-1991.

    1987: 6-6, #47
    1988: 4-6, #70
    1989: 4-8, #68
    1990: 4-7, #71
    1991: 1-10, #98
    1992: 2-9, #96

    Here we see a progression that shows that Greg Davis couldn't coach (Brown's roster immediately took a nosedive from a decentish squad down to #70 or so out of 105 teams) and couldn't recruit (as soon as all of Brown's recruits were gone they plummeted to 1-10 and Davis was fired; the new coach couldn't make it work with Davis's roster either). Exactly what he's supposed to help with when it comes to filling out a staff or running a football program is our concern, dude.

    And yes I know you specifically agree with all of this.

    Christ he was bad

  9. 8 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Lots of people have fun and productive conversations on Message Boards. It's just never with you included. 

    You want to know who Greg Davis knows? His vast coaching tree and network? You mean all the outstanding guys he's hired on his various staffs? But just because he fucking knows a lot of people, his input has value? Shawn Watson has been around forever. He knows a lot of people. Lets ask him his opinion. Shit, my local dry cleaner is a wonderful Vietnamese lady, everyone chats with her all the fucking time. Lets get her fucking input. 

    I maybe got four words in before remembering which windbag typed it up and just hit the quote button. Message boarding is funner that way. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Excellent example of exasperated hand throwing. Thank you. 

    I never indicate a preference for Davis to be anything, so no I don't "want this guy showing up and advising again..."

    My point, which you illustrate very eloquently, was about the hysteria about any new development. I don't know the quality of Davis' advice. I don't know the gravity of his impact with Herman. I don't know of one thing he has advised for or against. I'm only just now aware that he was around for the OU game. I don't know what he did there.

    Not knowing, I don't default to "OMG! Since other things are shitty this is shitty! OMG! Someone questions that! He must be shitty, too!"

    Things are indeed shitty right now. Herman is ultimately responsible. I think coaching changes were called for. Herman may deserve firing next year. See, I'm aboard. But I don't get reading tea leaves to feed a melt-down jones. I don't get laying out a firm position in advance of facts (Davis advising! Herman is an insufferable human being! Herman hiring an acquaintance will end our world!"), so I make a joke of it.

    You see, I come here primarily for entertainment. I also enjoy reading the opinions of people who know more than I do or are witty. Many of the hand wringers fit that description. They're also hand wringers. 

    Perhaps it is far far better thing they do than anything I have ever done.

    I think the first mistake you make is trying to have a serious discussion on this message board. 


    I get the worry about Greg Davis, but at the same time, the benefit here is leaning on a guy who has been coaching for over 40 years. It's less about WHAT he knows, and more about WHO he knows.  The tree of people he knows is gunna be a lot bigger than Herman's. Also, maybe he doesn't put people off as much as Herman does, and can kinda lead horses to the water or whatever the fuck I'm trying to say that's just going to be met with "oh great Greg Davis is going to introduce Tom Herman to our next 70 year old offensive coordinator"






  11. 3 hours ago, gmr548 said:

    Seriously?!  An asshole.

    I'm learning that any coach mentioned in the Coordinator searches is an asshole.


    Weird, usually that type of thing used to go without mention. Most coaches have that bone in them. Just gotta use it right and know when not to. 

  12. 30 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    um, this is the guy he says is his "mentor."  This is the guy he was a GA for.  GDGD is not out of his comfort zone. 

    This is also the guy who consulted the week before the OU game and our offense looked like the shitty offenses he called against OU.  

    Ugh, y'all are probably right. I'm trying to find something positive got dammit. Back to the pool of misery. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    Herman should be fired right now for this.  

    Hell, I'll take it. Leaning on someone who has connections outside of his "Comfort Zone". Kinda what we're wanting.

    • Like 1
  14. 48 minutes ago, 6th Street said:

    Helton and Herman are both likely to be fired after next season so I understand if he'd prefer a HC gig where he can control his own future.

    Helton almost got fired this year and he still controls his own future (outside of at USC had it happened). I don't think most coaches in Harrell's position think that way. 

  15. Just now, Huckleberry said:

    It's a little pretentious but it also actually works against them. An overture is a preliminary proposal or contact that is intended to eventually lead to more serious discussion.

    You know, like when you're ready to actually offer someone a job later. So SMU 247 using that word is actually saying what everybody knows. The real offers will be coming later.

    Kinda got that feeling as well. 

  16. Just now, Huckleberry said:


    I would say he probably does stay, maybe 50/50, but the overtures from other schools including Texas haven't even happened yet. When P5 schools hire their new coaches and coordinators then you will see actual offers to guys like Samples. What a silly and premature story to push, although I understand why SMU wants to push it.

    And am I the only one to find the use of "overtures" in this situation as annoying AF?

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