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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. Just now, Casual Encounter said:

    You’ve been questioning whether Tom’s hand was forced from the beginning, have you not? Maybe I’m thinking of someone else...

    I do have my questions, because no, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's accurate.


    My questioning of it isn't in defense of Tom, but more of a criticism of the powers that be, that if they have to force him to do these things, and had a good candidate lined up, then they should have gone ahead and moved on. 


    Easier just to fall in line as to not confuse peoples, I assume. That's on me. 

  2. Just now, Ricky Butler said:

    We'll know if Harrell is running the offense by the spring game. 

    I don't think he's coming if he's not going to be. How that all would get guaranteed, I dunno. 

  3. Just now, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    hires won't come until after the NC game because we're hiring top men.

    Top men usually get hired before that. We can't handle it taking that long. 

  4. Just now, Rockethorn1978 said:

    s after Harrell which I hgope he does it will mean our super arrogant mensa card holding HC is abandoning the offense he brought here for the Air Raid or Harrell's version of it? 


    Well if you believe he was forced to fire Orlando and do whatever the fuck he's doing with Beck, then why in the hell wouldn't they also force him to bring in an OC to install an offense not so much like his?


    That's if you do. 

  5. To go off of any Urban Meyer rumors/discussion, general consensus around the national media seems to be that USC is only keeping Helton because Meyer turned them down....


    ....can we assume the same here at Texas?

  6. Tell me again why we wouldn't want Chris Ash?

    Because Tom worked with him before, which also means he is the same exact kind of narcissistic asshole as Tom.... allegedly.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    I have to disagree on the Ehlinger part. He looked absolutely terrific against LSU on crossing routes and over the middle throws. Watch the highlights of that game to remember some of the throws he made that night.

    Without a deep dive into all-22 angles that I don't have, it seemed like the failure to go over the middle later in the season was based on play design more than Ehlinger. I only watched the Tech game live and while Ehlinger certainly has some limitations with field vision, we simply didn't have many guys running routes that attacked that part of the field.

    He was kinda inconsistent. From the memory bank, over the middle throws in the 10+ range, outs around 10+, he'd sail 'em or skip 'em more often than you'd like, though he'd hit his fair share. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    I have come to accept that Tom Herman isn't a coach who can build and maintain a successful major college football program.

    His decisions to tell the alumni base to effectively fuck off regarding the Horny and Leitao fiascos were an indication he didn't have good overall judgement.

    The overall product he has put on the field is another nail in his coffin (the only teams Maryland has beaten twice over the past three years are Texas and Rutgers).

    And while his decision to make wholesale changes to his staff is correct, I am getting the sense no one in the field of college football coaching really wants to be associated with Tom Herman's mess at Texas. This staff "transformation" is getting the feel of Charlie Strong's efforts to build his "open checkbook" staff when he took over the Texas program.

    Herman's buyout through 2023 is currently at $25.5 million. It will be below $20 million by the end of next season.

    The time between now and next Dec will give CDC ample opportunity to evaluate candidates and have discussions with agents. Tom Herman is essentially a dead man walking. He is the "leader" of the UT football program in name only.

    Tom needs to be let go and Texas needs to move on. As the story of how Herman attempts (and ultimately fails) to finally build a quality staff unfolds, Herman's ineptitude will become increasingly evident.

    Maybe Tillman will give him a soft landing spot at U of H after next season. That would be a good result for Herman and for U of H. And for Texas.

    This is what worries me. You're asking the young guys on this team, and young guys coming in, who are going to hear exactly what you just said, to stick with a dead man walking. 



  9. 9 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    This is the shit I've never understood.  When the HC fires to save his ass, he's hiring guys that know about it.  They know that they'll live or die by his next 1 or 2 seasons, and if a negative result (which is routinely the case), he's gone and so are they.  If you're a single guy, no family and no ties, then fuck it sure sign me up.  Most of the top guys in position to get hired though, I'm guessing they've got families and shit.  If you're joining a coach with a 5 yr contract and he fucks up by year 2 or 3, so be it, that's just shitty luck.  But when you know there's a good chance of turnover in a year or two, how attractive is that position to most of the best available??

    And I've never understood how it cannot be understood. 


    Coaches, they have egos. They already think they're good, they're right. And if they're really confident, they don't think going to a situation like Texas has right now as any real risk. They "know" they're going to do well there, and hell, maybe they can be the next guy if Herman gets the boot? At worst you collect your guaranteed money while coaching at your next job, who didn't mind hiring you because they know what a shitty situation you were just in. 


    Kinda like when highly sought after NFL players say they want to win, then go to some 5-11 team in free agency. Easy reaction is to say "ah it was ONLY for the money", but NFL players, especially those highly sought after free agents, truly believe they're good enough to be the difference between 5-11 and 11-5 in contention. 

  10. Do I think he shows up drink to work? No. See: Sarkisian Do I think the dude likes to drink and party and UT would hire a driver to avoid any potential incidents? Yes. See: Augie 



    Augie... Herman... Yah, one of those is definitely not like the other.


    I tend to agree with gmr's sentiment on a level, especially if everything else on this thread is true.


    An asshole HC who people cannot stand to deal with, who can't bring himself to make the hard staff decisions without being told to, who just lost five games, who also happens to be some alcoholic wildcard.... that's a lot of frustration and babysitting for seven wins.



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  11. 9 minutes ago, Nowhichski said:

    Being able to fire your friends and hand-picked colleagues equates to one such step

    I would be inclined to agree, especially if it was his decision alone. If he had to be talked into it, though....


    eh, I dunno

  12. 12 minutes ago, Nowhichski said:

    I bet CDC recognizes the inherent weakness involved in keeping an unlikeable, technocrat coach at Texas. And if there isn't dramatic improvement, not only in record but in eye-test, we could see a change. 

    This is the line of thinking I cannot buy. I cannot buy that CDC realizes all of this (unlikeable technocrat). Also realizes that Herman won't fire his own guys; Realizes that Herman may just hire another one of his guys.


    Basically CDC and everyone over there realize that Tom Herman is not the answer, "but let's give him another year to prove that we're right." Wha?

  13. 21 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I didn't think anyone else could possibly be confused about the uselessness of Meh besides Herman and then you showed up in this thread and have acted incredulous at the premise that Herman's boss could spot what everyone else could spot and tell him "shitcan that fucktard before I have to shitcan you as well". What kind of crazy world involves a boss two levels above an employee knowing the value of that employee and having a view on him/her for the future? So fucking crazy, man! 

    Maybe you've read a lot of other shit on here, and something I said triggered you to quote me in this, but I'm pretty got damn sure I've also mentioned Orlando and Beck in my comments as well. This isn't solely about Meh. And I believe it was you who said that CDC and others were involved because Herman was hesitant to make changeS?


    So basically my point is: if the powers who be, including CDC REALLY had to twist Tom's arms to make changes, because he's that loyal of a guy to the people he's known and worked with in the past, then HOW and WHY in the fuck are they going to let him replace one of those with another of the same?


    And to bounce off of you, if Herman is the kind to let a piece of shit like Meh rot inside of his own got damn house, why in the fuck are they going to let him hire anyone himself period?  



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  14. 7 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Realistically I think everyone needs to prepare for disappointment. Herman is a dead man walking and everyone can see. I just don’t believe we can score top coordinators. 

    I don't think that matters very much. Hell, if you're a top coordinator, and you do your job at Texas: A. Herman probably doesn't get fired; B. If Herman gets fired you have a chance at the head job.


    Good coordinators aren't scared. 

  15. 7 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    2020 season will be a waste. Herman will be fired and we’ll start behind the curve. Again. 

    Yah, if you have a guy lined up now and you're having to baby Herman along with needed coaching decisions, cut that fucking bait now. Don't be fucking idiots. 

  16. So Herman can't come to his own conclusions on Meh and Orlando; has to go to the college playoff next year or else... but they're skipping over some nails balls excellent HC hire this year. Ohhhhk

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  17. Just now catching up.... why is that Chris Ash is a no-go on here? Is he a bad defensive coordinator, or is it just because Herman knows him? Scheme fit not there for the Big 12 (well, anywhere these days, really)?

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