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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 16 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    You crazy if you think Yoakum has no more then others, that place for towns it’s size has more crime then any place in a 50 mile ratios if not more.  In Shiner news is cows getting out in Yoakum it’s drive by’s and arson.


    I grew up in Cuero for the most part, you didn't just say Yoakum. But I do have family in Yoakum. Plenty of family and friends in the area, know the area myself. Spent a little bit of time in Port Lavaca also growing up and live there now, which is a lot worse IMO. Refugio. Hell, Yorktown's even getting up there, tbh. Edna is about the same. Palacios? The asians will throw you off their shrimp boat.  


    Shiner? Shiner's pretty clean in that aspect, so you're kinda right there, 'cos they'll just go to Yoakum or Hallettsville to get their fixes. And fixes is what this is all related to anyway. 


    The gangs you speak of, meh, mainly just one or two in that whole area and that's of the latino/mexican persuasion gangs you're talking about in any town, and they don't really operate heavily or anything, just family etc.... Football players don't really mesh with that crowd unless they have to. Other than that? Nah, there was no need for gangS. Whatever drug you wanted, there was really no competition. One source brought it in, then he had different people in different parts of town dealing it (I know, my step-brother was one of them). Some of them dealing played football, sure, a lot of them buying did as well. Last I heard it's still about the same, just a different name bringing it in. That area stays pretty much locked down. Gotta drive to Victoria if you want a variety/quality. At least that's the shortest trip. 


    Most of the time, Cuero and Yoakum shared the same sources. Not sure about now. I'd imagine the oil field growth could have created some different lines. 


    The good news for Jordan Whittington, however, is he didn't grow up in that environment, even when he came back to Cuero. Opposite the Moores from my knowledge, though their mom tries her best. The Whittingtons generally keep their noses clean (as clean as about anybody can these days). His older brother Q would probably beat his ass if he got "too" sideways. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    You crazy if you think Yoakum has no more then others, that place for towns it’s size has more crime then any place in a 50 mile ratios if not more.  In Shiner news is cows getting out in Yoakum it’s drive by’s and arson.

    I grew up in Cuero for the most part, you didn't just say Yoakum. But I do have family in Yoakum. Plenty of family and friends in the area, know the area myself. Spent a little bit of time in Port Lavaca also growing up and live there now, which is a lot worse IMO. Refugio. Hell, Yorktown's even getting up there, tbh. Edna is about the same. Palacios? 


    Shiner? Shiner's pretty clean in that aspect, so you're kinda right there, 'cos they'll just go to Yoakum or Hallettsville to get their fixes. And fixes is what this is all related to anyway. 


    The gangs you speak of, meh, mainly just one or two in that whole area and that's of the latino/mexican persuasion gangs you're talking about in any town, and they don't really operate heavily or anything, just family etc.... Football players don't really mesh with that crowd unless they have to. Other than that? Nah, there was no need for gangS. Whatever drug you wanted, there was really no competition. One source brought it in, then he had different people in different parts of town dealing it (I know, my step-brother was one of them). Some of them dealing played football, sure, a lot of them buying did as well. Last I heard it's still about the same, just a different name bringing it in. That area stays pretty much locked down. Gotta drive to Victoria if you want a variety/quality. At least that's the shortest trip. 


    Most of the time, Cuero and Yoakum shared the same sources. Not sure about now.  


    The good news for Jordan Whittington, however, is he didn't grow up in that environment, even when he came back to Cuero. Opposite the Moores from my knowledge. The Whittingtons generally keep their noses clean (as clean as about anybody can these days). His older brother Q would probably beat his ass if he got "too" sideways. 



    • Like 1
  3. On 8/28/2019 at 12:20 PM, Hook1997 said:

    There’s a saying around those parts, you can take a boy out of Yoakum but you can’t take the Yoakum out of the boy.   Usually works for Cuero too but let’s hope not.  Lots of bad shit in those two small towns, drugs, gangs, ect.  

    No more than others, tbh. Most of us end up doing pretty well, just a couple of badass RBs have fucked themselves, is all. 


    Gangs... lol

  4. 53 minutes ago, squeegeedegg said:

    Anyone EVER seen an FC Dallas merchandise display outside of the DFW area?  She's not taking that picture at ABIA 

    I just got the impression she was in Dallas and they had Longhorns merch in one of the gift shops.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Katfid54 said:


    Don't want any of my comments to come across as putting Fillinger down or saying that I don't think he's a good prospect.

    Wasn't thinking that at all, my man, just offering a different perspective, and I could be wrong. Most of these kids need work, wouldn't expect any different from Fillinger. 

  6. Just now, Katfid54 said:

    Maybe.  Although I can't tell much height difference between the dude in clip 1 vs. the dude in clip 2.

    One thing that I'll throw out is that in the second clip, Fillinger has an assignment--he's run a "TE" stunt with DE lined up outside him.  Because of that, he knows his first move is a press, and his second move is to disengage and loop outside the end, who is crashing inside the tackle.  I could hypothesize from the highlight video that Fillinger is really good when he has a specific job/stunt to perform.  In times that he's asked to read and react, he is a step slower to respond, losing the benefit of his length.


    On the first clip, there's no stunt or assignment--he appears to just have B gap responsibility and, once he sees pass, he begins to pass rush.  In the time he uses to react to the play, though, he stands up and runs into the guard, who he then has to press back off of himself as he makes a pass rush move.


    The second clip is the TE stunt.  He knows exactly what to do, and he executes it violently:




    Here's some other plays from his highlights where he clearly has a rushing assignment--to show how well he plays when

    Here's him running the T portion of an NT twist.  Watch how well he uses his hands here to ward off OL who try to lay a hand on him:


    Here, he's running a pretty simple "Blood" stunt from the B gap into the A gap.  Look at how well he uses his hands here (although his pad level leaves something to be desired as he's splitting the Center/Guard):


    And here are two other plays where has no obvious assignment other than to play the B-gap:

    This one is against the same guy as the TE stunt.  It's quintessential high school talent domination, where he runs up on the kid and presses him back.


    Yah, not really making excuses for him, just know that's the case with a lot of film you watch of HS kids. Both that guard and center seem in that 5'11 to 6' range, plus he was passed off pretty well by them, never had a chance to get low when he tries to rush right. But eh, doesn't matter. He'll still need to work on it regardless 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

    One thing Fillinger will have to work on is consistently using his good length to keep OL at bay.  There are several highlights in that clip where he lets the OL get into his pads before pressing them off.  That's all well and good when you're massively stronger and bigger than everyone else, but it doesn't translate to the next level.

    But compare this clip, where he lets an OL get all the way into his chest:


    With this clip, where he keeps his arms fully extended, then rips past the OL (and enjoy the hell out of seeing the OL get shucked to the ground):


    There's a caveat here that this is a common problem among high school D-lineman, so this isn't a huge concern with Fillinger.  Some coaches/evaluators describe it as DL who "catch" the OL before making a move, which is what Fillinger does sometimes.

    The biggest different I noticed was the OL who got under his pads was a lot shorter than the one who didn't. When you're as tall as Fillinger and playing HS football, it can be an issue getting position when you're playing significantly shorter linemen who also do a good job of staying low themselves (both offensively and defensively).

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, kevwun said:

    When something involves this many pieces of factual evidence, it's pretty fucking silly to label it a conspiracy theory.  There's too many convenient coincidences for there not to be something to it.

    Well obviously there are many pieces, but what does it really all mean?


    It could be as simple as having a kid who really wants to get out of that school and better himself. Jimbo gets on the Aggy network/what you will and tada: Tomball, with an aggy HC. He can help!


    Then the QB's dad is all about it, 'cos his son can look good throwing to a guy like that, so hell yah, he can stay at our house. "Where you going, D? Oh, to work with that Footwork guy? Cool.... What's that? He needs some space to run his business out of? Cool, have him come by and we can talk about that! Be home by 8:30, it's Burrito Night!"


    Wish there were more to it, and maybe there is, but I don't think this is some slam dunk thing here. 



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  9. 29 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Nah, Dunn just wants to give his kid a good chance at a scholarship. When the package deal flamed out, he still could at least put up huge stats throwing to Demas on the chance he got his transfer approved.

    True, but you're housing an aggy commit, as a longhorn guy. You may want a little bit more than just a better "chance" at your son getting a better scholly. And if they're already desperate enough to hold on to Demas that they'd have him move schools, I don't see why Dunn wouldn't see that, and at least consider asking for more. Having the business he has, there's a lot of area for more back-scratching going on there. 

  10. The Papa Dunn angle on here is interesting.


    So you have a guy who attended UT, didn't graduate from there, but who still seems to like the university. What would it take for a guy like that to help A&M out here?




    This just all seems like a lot of trouble to keep Demas maroon up to signing, but that is the bag world, eh?


  11. 33 minutes ago, texifornia said:


    These fucking idiots. They're trying to tell me that after Demas committed to aggy, that the U(T)IL sent in an undercover agent to North Forest to convince Demas that his home/school situation sucked enough that he should transfer, just so the U(T)IL could deny his eligibility to play football for a different team. Yah, aggy, you nailed it. 

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Get ln My Van said:

    I have it on good authority that Demas wants to see how this season unfolds and is far from fully committed to aggy. According to this source, Demas feels a sense of regret for shutting things down so early and is giving serious thought to the idea of playing in Austin. 

    Apparently the idea of playing in the Big 12 and for a more current NFL style of play is peaking his interest. This unnamed source suggests that Demas only committed to aggy as a placeholder and with the promise that he would get to fuck Candi every third Tuesday.

    how do I get you this $9.95?

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