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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. I’m guessing that he felt like if he didn’t moderate that thread in real time, someone would say something really bad and a screenshot would circulate before he could remove it, so he chose passive moderation by locking it. He knows his audience. 

    Or he could just be one of the pathetic sadfuck 80% of all other people who are given/take on mod duties who can't go too long without having to exercise their "power". In most cases they come up with some stupid excuse why they're locking the thread when there's no real reason. "Sigh, look guys I'm trying to put together my Daenerys Targaryen costume before next weekend's comic con and I can't do that with you guys on here bitching as normal for two pages now. Y'all are just lucky Indiana Jones hasn't been on."

    Basically the type of shit Jimbo has to put up with from Karen once a month.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  2. "...raise the SEC banner at the state Capitol"?

    These fucktards really do brag about the other teams in their conference more than they do their own team, don't they? A fucking embarrassment.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. 8 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    I will say, if word got out that Broughton was headed to Austin today, that sure would explain a lot of the "I'm hearing things are trending towards Texas" posts from this morning...

    Hamm followed him all the way down 290, probably. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, USMCHorn said:

    Nothing about this recruitment has led me to believe that VBII isn't a man of his word. Whomever he picks probably gets his signature.

    Yah, Broughton and his family have handled this about as well as we ever see, and have taken a very methodical approach to the process. Not that he couldn't flip, but I don't see where these signs are that would lead to that type of statement. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Love the fucking knob with the "how the heck did Texas manage to make up so much ground?" I don't know, fucktard, how the shit did aTm manage to make up so much ground the first time considering College Station is a backwards, racist, hillbilly fucking rube farm. 

    man lmao

  6. 8 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Put down the LeBong, James.

    is Lebong a cheese?


    anyway, on topic, the closer we get to this announcement date of Broughton's, the more positive I get, because aggy isn't really saying shit. They'd not be able to control themselves right now. 


    Doesn't mean everything, but to me, it means something. 

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