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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleBuck

  1. A lot of good knives out there, but sticking with my Case tribal lock stainless for now. Has been a good knife.
  2. UncleBuck

    Western Novels

    Nope, that'll come after the books
  3. UncleBuck

    Western Novels

    Can't wait for Lonesome Dove. Decided to read things in chronological order, so that's up next. behind Lonesome Dove, I'm assuming? What's your ranking?
  4. Have any of you seen any Orval (trappist ale) on the shelves at your local places recently? The only two places near me that used to sell it don't seem to be selling it anymore. Sad.
  5. UncleBuck

    Western Novels

    I'm currently on "Comanche Moon," the second book in Larry McMurtry's "Lonesome Dove" series. It's not bad.
  6. FFS, are you that gotdamn dense? *EDIT: Wait, don't have to answer that. The density. Aaron Judge. Gunna go ahead and iggy this one out. You have a good one.
  7. Yah but the ones who came over in 1731 may be where our chili originates from, so let's cut them a slight amount of slack. Overall, though, point taken CLOAK ROOM
  8. BREAKING: English speaking country anglicizes words. Ask a Miller/Mueller about their name situations. As for San Antone it serves more than one purpose. Obviously it kinda anglicizes it, but more importantly it keeps to the Texas (And probably other places) tradition of making words less syllables than they really need to be. If you can get your point off using less breaths and effort to do so, then by all means. Saying "San Antone" cuts the syllable count down from five to three, and honestly you can probably say two, as most people who use it probably only say "San 'Tone.' Anyway. Hope to see you in San 'Tone some day, bud!
  9. Or: "While you're all alone in San Antone, give me back the key to my heart"
  10. Get your pata ready then, buddy! Me. You. Downtown San Antone.
  11. I'm just now comfortable saying "chile toreado." But most of the time, if my wife's ordering one (with her asada taco), I'll tell her to get two. She be mexicana and doesn't speak spanish to them either unless she has to. Funny story. New young mexican lady started working at this gas station next to work years ago. White fella ahead of me tells her he's getting the beer and counts his change, all in spanish to this lady. He walks off, I step up with my beer and she looks down and says, "uhmm, I like, uh, speak perfect english?"
  12. I feel terrible for having forgotten that.
  13. *4. If you're white and legit speak spanish fluently, go ahead. If you don't, trust me: they know the numbers. They know what "please" means. "Thank you." "Yes." "No." "Water." "Tea." "THAT SPECIAL SALS'R Y'ALLS KEEP IN THE BACK OV'THERE!"
  14. I dunno man, a little bit of onion, cilantro and a chile toreado.. mmmmm
  15. Have considered taking the kids on a small train trip. My mom took me on one out to Tuscon to visit my cousins/aunt and uncle when I was 6, it was pretty badass.
  16. Gotta wonder Get back on where to find the best Chicken Fried Steak up there thx
  17. Ba. Ha. Ha. No, just means I never really consider Europe. So I'll drive to Maine some day when I have enough time.
  18. Portland, ME and Europe are on my bucket list. Unfortunately I cannot stand flying, so Portland, ME will have to wait a while.
  19. Grew up 85 miles southeast of there, and have known and know people from there. Though not exclusively, I've heard "Antone" all of my life. My uncle, who lived off 1604 for 30+ years (Converse, then Calaveras way) still calls it that.
  20. I love George Strait just like the next guy, but it's peak San "Antonio" to forget about the OG San "Antone" using mf'er: SA's own Doug Sahm. The fact that San Antone doesn't have a statue of that man smack dab in the middle of the city is horse shit. If it was okay for Doug Sahm, it's okay for anybody.
  21. I'd say trash talk can involve plenty of laughter, as it's not always between mortal enemies, and often time between friends... but toward the end it appears the laughter is kinda dying down as the talk continues. Excellent trash talk.
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