Well he didn't lead with his "crown," no, but the people I'm talking about are mentioning the leading with "helmet," which is targetting if using it to attack while making forcible contact to the "head or neck area" of the player. Also leading with the shoulder, elbow or whatever to attack and making forcible contact to the head or neck area is a targeting penalty. But so much of it is bullshit. Most of the time the speed of the game, what exactly players are physically capable of, and what the object of the fucking game is is tossed out of the window.
1st, in this case, Overshown comes out of a cannon, and honestly is probably shocked that QB is even right there. The QB isn't very far back, and is up in the pocket, so he really didn't have a chance to get lower and wrap him up around the waste. So what is he supposed to do? Side step and tackle him from behind? No, that's not football. The solution would be to get lower. BUT Overshown had no time to get much lower, and had he lowered then he probably DOES hit the QB with the crown of his helmet.
It shouldn't be reality, is the point we're all making.