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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 6 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Seems like Sark only cares about the offense.  Defensive portal moves that would improve our depth and team overall seem to be an afterthought. Hopefully the guys like you communicate and others will learn what it’s all about once we reach the SEC and they can see how it’s done. It’s going to have to change or it will be struggle bus central there when we try to compete recruiting wise with one arm tied behind our back. 

    OR maybe there's a problem with the messaging. He's had Mathis is multiple times. At some point he's got to believe in what the defense is doing, and what his role will be in it andalsoletsseewhatthefarmersgethiminNILetc... It's not hard for Sark to sell the offense, obviously. 


    (btw, before I get novel'd, this isn't to say Sark isn't responsible, with who he has hired on defense etc...)

  2. 14 minutes ago, Revolution512 said:

    I see you have no idea how many homeless mugshots there are to post. 

    I can only imagine. Austin PD made an average of 43 arrests per day last April. Travis Co SO made an average of 4 per day. I can post 47 pictures to my facebook right now. 

    So I'd imagine they just don't prioritize it, which is fine. 



  3. 14 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    Mugshot database runs behind 2 weeks, current range available is 3/29 -4/12.  if there's another site just for arrest data I can't find it 

    That's insane. Had a shooting here a couple of weeks back and the kid's mug was up five hours later. Obviously not a large city, but that's still a crazy backlog. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I said there is a lack of parity. What you want me to do, add hyperbolic adjectives on top?

    The current NIL path is most likely going to make it worse. If you think parity is already so bad that it’s ruined college football, then do you think somehow the current path is going to make it better? What point are you trying to make? 

    maybe his username is checking out, or maybe it's not. I haven't decided, yet. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Awesome.  The two schools I least want to be successful - Vols and aggy - are all over this NIL stuff.

    Vols, sure.  Aggy? The Houston Chomicle can try shoving it up everyone else's ass about how aggy is leading the way in NIL, but you can't fool most of us. They're not doing anything special with NIL...

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I was merely going off of memory from looking at whatever I was looking at in January of 2021, so the reality is I could have taken the thought in my head at the time of something like "well, that didn't blow anyone's skirt up given their talent" and 15 months later being "he wasn't Kyle Shanahan, who might actually be an offensive genius, and then he got fucking worse from there." 

    Regardless, my statement wasn't meant to mislead, just to show the continuity of my thoughts on him without coaching under a legend. So, retract the "it got worse in year 2 part" and I'm fine with "things didn't turn north again and he was summarily fired."

    Agree with this fully. There were multiple recruitments that Mack closes in the 2022 cycle where Sarkisian did not. That said, Mack Brown and Bobby Bowden are probably the two best pure recruiters in our lifetimes, so it's a tough ask to be at that level. Anderson was just a total fuck-up as a recruitment right up until the end. They offered a chance to have Sarkisian come back in and make one more pitch to the mother in December and Sarkisian passed on the offer because he was mad about things earlier in the cycle with them. PJ Locke? I think helped set it up.

    I still view Anderson as a prime candidate to be an early exit out of BCS and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't wind up in Austin then. If he plays early, nevermind.

    I passed on info that Kelly's agent and Texas were talking in December of 2020 from someone that every poster on this board would believe. The info came from several people in the agent realm. It was immediately panned as a possibility by the posters on the thread with the notion that Kelly was happy at Notre Dame and would never leave there. Others shit on it because they felt like Kelly was an asshole and would be a bad fit at Texas. I believe that was all in the Urban Meyer Or Bust thread, but I could be off.

    Wouldn’t think you’d intentionally mislead anyone, just talking ball, and as I said, red zone and running game were terrible, which is pretty important regardless of your ppg and ypg etc… Your criticisms are more than valid.

    As for the Kelly stuff, I’m just going off on memory. Trying to think back, but I don’t remember being terribly down on the idea, but as the thread said, it was “UM or bust” so we all had tunnel vision going on. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Fud said:

    The bolded part isn't true based on yards per play, although perhaps you're using a different statistic 

    2014 (Koetter): 8th

    2015 (Shanahan): 11th

    2016 (Shanahan): 1st

    2017 (Sarkisian): 5th

    2018 (Sarkisian): 5th

    2019 (Koetter): 15th

    Not to mention the offense actually improved in both scoring and total yardage in his second year (from 15th to 10th, 8th to 6th). The offense's biggest issue was the running game and red zone offense (kinda important?). You can put a lot of that on Sark, and also on what was one of the more overrated offensive rosters in the league, IMO. The team's overall biggest issue was having one of the shittiest defenses in the league. That team has been a fuck show of unreasonable expectations ever since the Pats came back and tea-bagged them in the Super Bowl. 

  8. Lost to move down to 3-2 last night in a roller-coaster of a game against who I believe is the best team in the league. The Boy would strike out twice, walked once and score a run. I've been working with him on underload/overload training for a few weeks now, and you can really see his swing speeding up already. He has seen the ball well all season, but last night it seemed he wasn't. We'll work on it.

    Our first pitcher went out and had an off night, was shelled. Our catcher continues to not stop far too many balls. Were down 9-0 after the first inning, but went into the last inning down 10-7 with a chance to hold them and come out for the last frame with a decent part of the lineup due up, but shit went off the rails with a pitching change that had to be made, but just wouldn't work out. We got football scored. 

    Still in it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Laga4 said:

    but like the moonshiners bags aren't going away.

    Those bags will become less significant...  but by how much, and by when, are the questions. Luckily the transfer portal can help balance that out a bit for now. 

    But it is hard to ignore how the Houston Chronicle just pumped sunshine up everyone's asses on how aggy is leading the way in NIL, and how it has led to this crazy recruiting surge over the past two cycles. It's absolute bullshit, we all know it, but it shows you how deep this shit runs. 

    "A bird in hand (bags) is worth two in the bush (NIL..kinda)" comes to mind.... except aggy is promising these kids all three.

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