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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 1 minute ago, SydneyCarton said:

    If you saw the subtext it said he recently took a huge paycut. So...yeah. 

    I knew there had been a cut in salary, but holy hell it was a lot more than I had remembered. I just knew he got the years and there was a lot of incentive based stuff attached. Ya, definitely squeezing.

  2. Just now, SydneyCarton said:

    What makes you say this? His all time recruit list is pretty fine, and with his resume I assume to a degree he can toss his bona fides on the table and probably do pretty well.

    He'll be a decent enough recruiter, and will coach the fuck out of college OL. I wouldn't even interview him, just bring him on.

  3. 7 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Also sometimes a player can only effectively play one side.  I was a right CB in football -- tried left CB a couple of practices and my coach started bitching at me saying "get your ass back over to right CB where you belong".

    There are definitely those. I was basically the swing tackle in HS, doing both, so I wouldn't know how it feels being at one for so long and then switching. I was better at pass-blocking at RT, but handled LT fine.

    You will see a lot of college LTs switch to RT or swing in the NFL.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    Someone on IT said it best, try wiping your ass with the opposite hand. 

    Luckily I've never tried wiping with my opposite hand, but I can imagine that's a proper analogy, especially when it comes to your normal outside pass blocking. You'll probably get into your sets slower, and with much poorer form when you get there. You have to shift your weight to the opposite foot etc... It'll take a lot of reps to get used to.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 21 minutes ago, Bodacious Bevo said:

    Couple things on Marion: love the hire. Detailed those reasons earlier in the thread.

    But, Texas will be his 11th school in 12 years of coaching. He's ambitious and will move quickly. Sark needs to take that into account in 23 WR recruiting. It's a great WR class and major position of need for the cycle. Sark was already getting more involved in WR recruiting due to Coleman but he can't let off the breaks now. We're sure to get hit with questions about Marion leaving at signing day next year. Good news is this staff has volume recruiters to help out. Drayton's exit may have come at the perfect time. 

    as @Zhorn96 points out, he's upgrading the whole time. What's the next stop after WR at Texas, power 5 OC? Does he get that chance in '23? We'll see.

  6. On 12/23/2021 at 8:15 AM, ApocalypseTexas said:

    What is to keep a kid from flipping to another school once he has the money?  It's not like these kids are dealing with the cartel or something these boosters that are paying players are what, a bunch of rich fans fronting money? What can they really do if I kid gets the money and walks away giving them the finger as he goes?

    Well a lot of the time you're not ONLY dealing with Evan Ste.. errr.. the recruit themselves, but also a father, or uncle, maybe mom, and/or a trainer. You're not leaving it all on the kid, so you're bettering your odds of loyalty there by involving the adults (handlers). Now obviously the transfer portal will make reneging a lot easier.

    Though NIL is here, I still see the recruiting bag game being utilized for the time being, though not as widespread as it is now and no doubt less effective. What's almost for sure going to die off is the on-campus game. Bags haven't just stopped when the kids sign. They'll still need the new Playstation/TV/iPhone while they're playing for your team. But now they can buy that after making a public appearance.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Lonestar88 said:


    Having Maalik that low because he is a project not ready to play yet, and then turning around and having Burke rated that high is not logically consistent. 

    Not really. Two completely different positions, and he could simply feel better about one's chances over the others. I mean, how many kids do you see come into this program that aren't projects to begin with? Whether it's one year, or two+ years? He's ranking them based on what type of impact he thinks they'll make as Longhorns, it doesn't really have to make perfect sense to any of us. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    Clearly folks here feel that Sark cannot grow as a head coach to take on a similar role to better deal with the rest of of his duties so I have conceded that my take was bad.

    As I was saying in an earlier reply to you, that's just not where Sark's is at this stage of his career. His greatest value to the program right now IS HIS offense. He'd have to grow, put some skins on the wall and have this program firing like a top 4-5 program should before plug-and-playing OCs to run offenses he's cool with. It's not that I think he can't (or can), it's just that he's not there today.

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