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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    I think very highly of him as well but he's not immune to being biased. I have no problem with Burke being higher because he has an easier road to start (just eat and weight room) but to have the gap be that big is a head scratcher. Neither of them are ready to play until at least after a redshirt year. 

    I guess I just don't see them being as comparable as you guys do. That's fine, I guess.

  2. 2 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    Counting them chickens, I see. 

    Not me counting. But if Bobby does believe that Arch is in the '23 class, then I can see him forecasting out his opinion on Murphy's value at Texas. I mean, even in his explanations further down he mentions how much can happen in the time between players signing and when it comes time for them to be getting their chance.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    The question is whether he sees Burke at #4 as an indictment on the class. It also depends on where he sees All-conference, starters, contributors and others being laid out. That’s really the analysis he should be providing giving he probably didn’t watch most of these kids himself to make a true list. Having Blue and Murphy at those two positions would make me think he hates this class. If he says otherwise, he is trying to have it both ways. 

    I think you've missed the mark by quite a bit. I think almost anyone would put Murphy back a little based simply on how big of a project he is. Then factor in that Bobby may not believe he actually ever starts at Texas (or for long), not because he won't be good enough, but because Arch will be the one who ultimately succeeds Ewers. These are all factors Bobby considers, I'm sure.

    As for the Burke point, why can't the guy just really like a kid that continued to dominate en route to a 6A state championship, and who will most likely finish a 4 star? We're acting like the kid's a *PWO or something.


    *he's for sure not a prisoner of war.

  4. 2 minutes ago, RaysBoomBoomRoom said:

    f anything he wouldn't bring in an outside guy todo it. He said this year that if he would've gotten Covid Milwee was gonna be the play caller.

    Well obviously building from the inside is always a preferred option when these guys want to start letting up on play-calling, but I'm not sure the Milwee factoid is the tell. It was always going to be someone on the staff.

  5. 14 minutes ago, DanTheHorn said:

    I still think Sark is spread to thin and that is why he did not get involved on the defensive side of the ball because of his focus on play calling duties. He needs to hand play calling duties over to someone eventually to function well as a head coach. Yes there is a danger in losing what he brings as a play caller but we do not have to lose what he brings as a game plan strategist.

    Ideally that's what you'd want, but it's really not how it works with guys like Sark, at least not at this point in their career. Maybe one day *if Sark hangs around and wins a 'ship or eight and brings in recruiting classes in the top three-four every year that satisfy all of the correct positions, then he can delegate the offense away to a revolving door of plug-and-play big time ex-head coaches or what have you. That time is not now.

    *Obviously that's a huge if

  6. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Yeah I get that. Just saying I'm not sure how well Sark would be able to disguise that. 

    Fact is, in this business, when you’re good to your coaches, they appreciate it. He may also be doing Sark a solid on the way out by talking him (Texas) up. 

    or worst case he begged his ass to stay *ducks

  7. 1 minute ago, ztejas said:

    Is Harris dumb enough to not understand what would be going on there though? "Hey - you've been doing a great job with us here at Morgan Stanley - and we're sad to lose you to the Wells Fargo in Macon, Georgia. Go kill it, champ!"

    This isn't like him taking a job at Baylor or TCU. It's Temple. 

    It’s a promotion, period. And who knows, maybe they’ve had a really bad ass heart to heart about it. Sark seems like he can be a biglittle softy. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, RaysBoomBoomRoom said:

    he tweet I posted was Harris talking about how much he loves his boss which seemed a little off for a dude who is about to get fired.

    Maybe he’s not being “fired,” but genuinely being offered an opportunity elsewhere. Sark, being relieved he no longer has to actually “fire” him, now gets to have a nice chat with him about how much he appreciates and values Harris, but wants nothing more than for him to take this opportunity and go get ‘em! 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. 20 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    I worry with that sidearm motion and mullet that he might become a serial killer.

    I think the prospect of him becoming a serial killer is the optimistic outlook. With a sidearm like that, I'd be surprised if he's not already one.

    • Haha 1
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