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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleBuck

  1. Yah but when that fat melts off those hands will be be able to palm a helmet then? WILL HE!?
  2. Not sure how I missed that right in front of my fat face. . I'll try to remember using it instead of tapa talk
  3. I tried it out the "app" last week, and though it's miles better than browsing on safari/etc... (lots of things are), not allowing me to post pictures directly from my phone was the huge deal breaker. But, in an effort to help the site stay up and good, I'll give it another shot tonight (if I can find it).
  4. middle finger emojis all the way. that app is fantastic. Luckily I'm at work and can use a computer or I'd be quadruple posting like a mfer right now
  5. Happy to have Maalik officially in. I really like the kid, and he's got a high ceiling (I understand the floor). Good job by the staff keeping him in.
  6. Also allows you to house multiple sites/forums in a single depository. This is why I like tapa. To each their own, I guess, but tapa is super simple compared to a browser, which is the plus for me. Now, the app-style browser based version of the board isn't too bad at all, and I'd use it more if it was an actual app and I didn't have to find the link.
  7. Gunna cross my fingers and hope he’s just never heard of the “mute tweet” option.
  8. In this house we’ll call it Chickquinn Fried Steak
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