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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. It’s a nice throw arm strength wise but he isn’t going to get away with throwing off his back foot and across his body at the next level

    It’s almost as if we have discussed this ad nauseam on here, and everywhere else. That is why it’s widely excepted that he won’t be be starting any time soon and that he’s a bit of a project, especially early on. All of the arm talent in the world. A big kid. Needs a mechanical overhaul.
  2. 7 minutes ago, ousux said:
    29 minutes ago, derpyhorndog said:
    Per usual, thanks for the scoop, Bobby. Incredible stuff. The first and second sentence contain info anyone that watched the Instagram video would known (in the vid, Ewers said he was packing up his tOSU dorm), and the Boyd transfer was widely reported. Third sentence is just obvious, anyone thinking logically would expect that Ewers would influence Boyd's destination not the other way around. 

    So we should send $9.95 to whoever posted the IG vid?

    Found our bagman.

  3. 6 minutes ago, derpyhorndog said:

    That's fair, I just evaluate a person based on the separate realms they're working in. I respect/appreciate that Bobby played an important role in the NIL stuff but don't think that has any weight when considering whether he's providing value a lot of people pay $9.95 monthly for (providing "inside" information, which this was not). 

    Well and that's fair, too, separating the two. But it wasn't really sold as anything breaking, just a summary of what's going on. I'd maybe go along with shaming one of the other aholes about it.

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