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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleBuck

  1. I'm still not over "ham guy." I giggle like a school girl every time I think about or see that tweet.
  2. This is it. $9.95 is the US average for lunch out. What, you thought the name was recruiting related?
  3. He'll commit this evening. He'll come to town Saturday on 'crootin business.
  4. Not sure where to put this. Anyone got it? Cook says an interesting tidbit for Texas fans inside.
  5. That's why we're doing petitions, dawg! Join the new age!
  6. Dude just strolls up and orders a pound of brisket. No sides.
  7. Ewers cut his mullet, but it has already grown back.
  8. More concerned about the names I'm not seeing, tbh. Hearing him talk, you'd think Ben Dover would haven't been all over this petition.
  9. Yah but I'm not wearing fucking square toes I'll tell you that much right now. Fuck him.
  10. Your mom's not my cousin, but you have a point. I hope she's not yours.
  11. If you don't want to sign it, that doesn't also mean you have to comment.
  12. I'll have Quinn know that my 17 month old daughter has a natural mullet. We have not touched her hair at all. It just stays a fucking mullett. This is a sign.
  13. My point isn't Tech doing it to be enticed, but doing it in return. It wouldn't be a longshot, it'd be a done deal. Now I'm not saying that's what's going on or anything. I don't know the kid. The coaches. Hell, I just know I'd wanna do it for an old ball coach if I could, and we've seen it done before. That's all.
  14. I know these are basically the same story, but just to show the scope. I saw other similar from Phoenix, Iowa, etc...
  15. Speaking of: isn't that an NCAA violation now? Or since Ewers is a year out and transferring, is it okay?
  16. Eh, it wouldn't be the first time a high profile recruit (I'm calling him a recruit still) tried to get a coach hired at an entry position (we don't for sure know which position though QB is rumored). Especially at a university who is out-kicking their coverage on even being in it with said recruit. That, and being the OC at SLC isn't exactly a reach on being able to coach.
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