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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 8 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    But that’s not the point. The point is the dollar figures might end up reasonably the same.

    For a guy like Ewers, absolutely. Where Texas can separate itself regarding NIL is the difference in dollar figures for everyone else. So if Ewers wants to bring along his friends, Texas NIL offers far more earning potential for them.

  2. There is absolutely no way in hell he is going to do anything shady he has too many eyes on him. He doesn't have to do anything to jeopardize eligibility for the same end result, why risk it?

    Not saying you’re wrong on “why risk it?” I guess I view him as a high-profile recruit right now. High-profile recruits are offered bags. Hell, bagmen drop “bags” on guys they already have on campus.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 69F037CF-6EA9-4306-8D6F-F3CA605E7571.thumb.jpeg.da0a65ec77984955ad06c0cb1caf38fb.jpeg

    Well, deleted or not I’d guess I was wrong that he had his mind made up on one school before entering the portal, as it seems it was maybe two instead (if Texas is in fact at this dance, which we believe). Still interesting that we’re only hearing Tech and Texas. If it were to end up being Tech, there’s no question those tools were tampering.
  4. I’m not disagreeing with your assessment of Sark. However, the guy could go practically ANYWHERE! If he chose Tech it was done before he left Ohio State, it wasn’t a “battle” and not a loss on Sark. Texas would have never been given a chance just like any other school.

    Yup. Like I’ve said, he didn’t portal to be a free agent, he knew what he was gunna do. Sure, if Texas misses maybe put some of that on Sark and his gang for not being able to change his mind, and for contributing to this shit show, but I’d bet he already had a pretty good idea of what he was gunna do. It’s not a coincidence that all of the pieces falling around Tech (coaching hire outlook) and Texas (NIL) coincide with his entry into the portal, IMO. Maybe I’m off (possible)
  5. Not to alarm anyone, but I have beef jerky marinating right now.
    Low-carb style.
    Let me know your recipes.

    And I wasn’t lying about a jerky dealer, either. Kid a couple houses down from the in-laws would make and sell jerky. He’d call the wife and get an order. We’d go to the in-laws and he’d bring it by in a brown paper bag, we’d slip him the cash and he’d walk back home.

    He lives out of town now, so we have to get some from his aunt who makes jerky also. His is better. He actually came through for Thanksgiving last week and called to see if we wanted any. We bought quite a bit. Dude has professional bags and everything now. Shit’s legit. Wanna try making some myself.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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