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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleBuck

  1. Well, the whole "errybody" thing was just a joke. As for explaining A&M, I think SydneyCarton already summed it up pretty well: momentum is also playing a part. As for Banks and those guys, and "how they were supposed to drop bags," the coaches aren't emptying their own pockets on these guys. Those few coaches that get the "bag" tag are just good at making sure it happens. Unfortunately, you need that participating partner on the other end, alum/booster guys who have the stomach to get down in the mud and play. We don't have that. Hopefully the new NIL deal starts reeling 'em in this next cycle, 'cos the bag game isn't gunna happen. Say what you will about aggy, but those gomers don't mind spending their own money on a player to best Texas. Losing to Kansas at home and aggy at the 'croots doesn't budge our lot.
  2. Probably. Maybe. But it's the positions we're not hitting on that's frustrating. QB, OL, WR. That's the needs, and that's where we're missing.
  3. Yah, seems the poster missed the part where you’d first need to get a guy like Elon on board with UT football before he’d actually be willing to drop money on the program… wait no, they actually did mention that. Probably a longshot, or maybe it’s not. It’s not a stretch to imagine his “newfound” philanthropy finding some future connection to the university at the educational level, which can at the least get him close. Regardless of any of that, our athletic department would be committing malpractice if they weren’t exploring the avenue of having the richest man on the fucking planet in their backyard. Hell, maybe they’ve already been shot down.
  4. Knew I should have spent the 995 on Chip instead of Burnt Ends. I mean where else can you get: "Where there's smoke there's fire.... except for in this case. There's no fire. But maybe there is idk? The athletic director does know the guy. The coach? He doesn't. So maybe he'll come here. Maybe he won't. Thanks ttyl"
  5. But with the supply-chain issues I'm not sure we'll be able to keep him properly supplied. I hear his towels are of a custom stitch count.
  6. hey guys what your opinions be on Whittington's ability to stay healthy at safety I haven't seen anyone mention this yet.
  7. Because he'll do it, and he might be badass at it. (the above is not an endorsement of moving ROJO to LB, but an overall endorsement of ROJO himself, the greatest Texas Longhorn football player of all time)
  8. Only thing concerning me about Casey's thumb right now is that it's stuck up in the air somewhere on the north-bound side of 35.
  9. I'd imagine Sark and the rest have been updated on what to say, where to stop, and what contacts to give out if any further questions. It's super the fuck organized.
  10. Yah, well listen, Ewers: You oughtta ditch the geeks you're with and that ugly ass truck and hop in with us. But that's alright, we'll worry about that later."
  11. Yah I finally got over my hangup on it yesterday. WTF. I can say I tried.
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