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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 2 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Pretty much this, Sark gets is on track next season (7-8 wins) and looks better in every aspect next season with "his players" or this isn't happening. You don't need multi-year rebuilds and the commits we do have are early contributor types. 

    One thing we heard MANY times on the podcast was the freshman came in unprepared in the TE room. Gunnar Helm came in the most prepared because he took it very seriously - not to say the other guys don't now take it serious, but it was obvious from that conversation that Gunnar thought he was going to have to work harder than everyone to see playing time because of the recruiting rankings etc. We saw that pay off in immediate playing time and mixing it up with the 1's on a frequent basis for a freshman. 

    This '22 class is filled with Gunnar Helms - there isn't a single guy that they are taking that isn't coming in ready to compete day 1 and come in having worked out the entire offseason so they can either early enroll or get started with the playbook learning process. The biggest thing that I took away now that we have done all the interviews (which if you haven't listened to as a burnt end, go listen to) is that the young guys are taking this very seriously now and want to do everything they can in the offseason to come into next season absolutely ready. 

    It only takes 1 class/infusion of 30+ guys with that mentality to change the culture in a locker room. People who think Juan Davis and Ja'Tavion Sanders aren't more dynamic than Jared and Cade (not a knock) must not have eyes. Their issue was they didn't know how to play college football mentally. 

    I'm going read this post over and over all day. It makes me feel half-assed good.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 37 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    Maybe not errybody but sumbody? 

    Explain why A&M is getting all of these recruits and don't just say $$$ because if that is it, we and everyone else should be able to pay for some of these kids.  Not all but maybe one or two.  It's not like A&M just put up a strong year with their 4 losses and maybe even 5 if they get a decent opponent in a bowl game.  The bottom line is if Sark and his staff (remember brining in Banks, Flood, et al and how they were supposed to drop bags

    Well, the whole "errybody" thing was just a joke.

    As for explaining A&M, I think SydneyCarton already summed it up pretty well: momentum is also playing a part.

    As for Banks and those guys, and "how they were supposed to drop bags," the coaches aren't emptying their own pockets on these guys. Those few coaches that get the "bag" tag are just good at making sure it happens. Unfortunately, you need that participating partner on the other end, alum/booster guys who have the stomach to get down in the mud and play. We don't have that. 

    Hopefully the new NIL deal starts reeling 'em in this next cycle, 'cos the bag game isn't gunna happen. Say what you will about aggy, but those gomers don't mind spending their own money on a player to best Texas. Losing to Kansas at home and aggy at the 'croots doesn't budge our lot.

  3. and the not so small matter of Elon Musk not attending UT or giving 2 shits about American football?

    Yah, seems the poster missed the part where you’d first need to get a guy like Elon on board with UT football before he’d actually be willing to drop money on the program… wait no, they actually did mention that.
    Probably a longshot, or maybe it’s not. It’s not a stretch to imagine his “newfound” philanthropy finding some future connection to the university at the educational level, which can at the least get him close.
    Regardless of any of that, our athletic department would be committing malpractice if they weren’t exploring the avenue of having the richest man on the fucking planet in their backyard. Hell, maybe they’ve already been shot down.
  4. Just now, Getafix said:

    So about a certain former Big 12 coach ...

    Chip Brown


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    So about a certain former Big 12 coach ...

    Chip Brown

    ... Here's what we can say about the rumblings involving former TCU coach Gary Patterson and Texas:

    There's legit smoke but no fire at this point.

    Patterson, a top-notch defensive mind with knowledge of the Big 12, is obviously close with Chris Del Conte, who served as GP's athletic director at TCU. And Patterson's wife, Kelsey, is close with former Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds, because Kelsey used to do some work in Dodds' office when she was a student at UT majoring in communications back in the day.

    So, the bottom line is Del Conte knows Patterson well, but Steve Sarkisian doesn't. If there's a role for Patterson, as an analyst or something else, and it works both ways, Sarkisian has a conduit to help make that match happen. Patterson is also drawing interest for other oppportunities. So, as we said, there's legit smoke - and the makings for fire - but there's no fire at this point.

    It could develop or it might not.

    But we've got our eyes on it and will keep you posted.



    Knew I should have spent the 995 on Chip instead of Burnt Ends. I mean where else can you get:

    "Where there's smoke there's fire.... except for in this case. There's no fire. But maybe there is idk? The athletic director does know the guy. The coach? He doesn't. So maybe he'll come here. Maybe he won't. Thanks ttyl"

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