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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleBuck

  1. You mean after having to fight off ten grown women trying to climb up red-headed baby brock lesner
  2. The situation has been addressed: Ewers and Brown battle it out until Arch gets here. Fin
  3. What the fuck TCU!? I thought once Sweaterson was gone you’d be at least half-assed tolerable.
  4. Obviously that plays a part. We can point to Demond Demas all we want -and that point makes absolute sense- but if Stewart believes there's a better chance that he's good enough to where Jimbo will have no other choice but to play and use him often vs. Texas having a steady QB situation, then that's what it is.. plu$ a kicker.
  5. How much do we think the same setup for ROJO would have raked-in by now? Just a thought that came to mind, no hidden point or second guessing or anything.
  6. That's part of what my point hinges on. Nothing's making it more advantageous for a recruit to hold out only for the legit NIL money vs. going after both. Nothing changes before they get on campus, which is when the majority of the bag game is played.
  7. That's fair. I guess the difference is that I see more than 5-6 schools that can compete, and that could be where I'm off. Obviously what Texas has to offer in resources, and Phil Knight, those are incredible, I just believe now that we've put this all out in the open that those 20 or so programs could pull more than we'd like to think. It's going to interesting to watch unfold, at the least.
  8. I guess I'd buy more into the recruit bag-game significantly dissipating if 100% of these kids were able to sign-on and start reeling in NIL cash while still in HS. In 3-5 years (or whatever) when every power 5 program [that matters] has an NIL program running that nearly mirrors the rest after they've all copy-catted each other to oblivion, that's still the perfect environment for the bag game, because an advantage is needed. If a recruit is down to three schools, each with NIL deals that would guarantee him $500-700K as soon as he enrolls, does that stop him from wanting and taking $100K while he's still in HS? Unless part of this new NIL era includes a far more strict crack down on the underground recruiting market, then I don't see why bags are still not an open avenue. Basically: nothing with the NIL has made it more advantageous for a recruit to not also take money under the table. Now sure, every couple of years or so a university will come up with some revolutionary NIL idea that will give them an advantage with their recruits, but when every other university is doing it by the next year (or two), the advantage has expired. Now of course, the need to continue bagging these guys through college significantly goes down. Also, I can accept that maybe I'm missing something here, and will acknowledge that from what I know about you (and some others on here), y'all probably talk to a few more smarter people than I do. So I'm willing to listen to what I'm missing.
  9. The current combination of BMDs and boosters don’t seem to have the stomach for the game. Stewart isn’t the first clue they’ve seen slap Texas in the face, it’s just never enough. New blood, or a change in the voices being heard and listened to. That’s it.
  10. I mean yah, to all of that shit, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not really the current staff's doing on why they're "relying on the portal" this offseason. Or they can just settle for the stuff that was already on campus, I guess. This reaping is from so many different angles and eras. It's so overwhelming.
  11. Yah, not sure the Texas OL room+recruiting is in the condition to where people are holding spots before they get on campus.
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