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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UncleBuck

  1. Yah but he was assistant WRs coach at Texas so who cares. He's the number one recruiter in that conference, and can probably coach WRs.
  2. Ah. Good good. As I said ye$terday: there are way$ to get him out of DFW (well, one big one).
  3. I can accept that maybe I’m underestimating him a bit, and overestimating the remainder of the QB talent who will possibly hit the portal, as I haven’t looked too much into it. The little I’ve watched of him outside of the RRS/RRR/WhateverTF, he’s been pretty good, but not anything amazing. Maybe I base too much off of those two games, maybe not. Just seemed to be a snowball situation, and without an OL and overall good receiving corps here, I could see similar happening. But we’ll see what Sark can put together coming up.
  4. I'm kinda okay with this statement, though there are different levels of douchery, and the effects are not always the same dependent upon the environment. Nevertheless, middle finger rating.
  5. I'd say he'd probably be a good get, but I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm saying he's shit.
  6. Now I've said Rattler is shit? Really? Christ all mighty. #1, part of my reaction is just in jest, because it's an OU QB so "ewww gross." The other part is the two games I've watched him he's been benched. It's pretty simple. I've said he's better than anything we have, and probably by far. I also said I'd like better than him, who you call "one of the better QBs in the Big 12." Yes, I'd want better than that. I want the best QB in the big 12, which isn't exactly loaded with great QBs right now. Got damn, never guessed that not sucking Spencer Rattler's dick would get such a reaction on this place.
  7. Just different people I've listened to on podcasts, twitter follows etc... Not like he's ass or anything, just overrated coming into the season. It's not that he doesn't have all of the physical tools, because he's got most of everything you'd want, and he's done some amazing things. I guess I've just seen him absolutely fall apart against two below average defenses and that's just in the front of my head when I hear his name.
  8. No, I've literally watched Spencer Rattler play two games and it was against my team's questionable defenses and he was benched both times. Outside of that, people who I trust that evaluate QBs don't think much of him, either. Doesn't mean he's not better than Thompson or Card, just means I'd rather have someone better than Spencer Rattler, too. He's overrated.
  9. I meant Thompson. I edited it. Again, it's not about whether he's better than Thompson or Card, that's not a very high bar. We want better than Spencer Rattler, too.
  10. The question ISN'T if you'd take Spencer Rattler -the guy who was benched against Texas defenses twice- over your current QBs, the question is would you want Spencer Rattler as your QB. No, we would not. We want someone better than Thompson, Hudson Card, AND Spencer Rattler as our QB.
  11. In case you're not gunna watch it: the question included high school or transfer QB. Sark said yes, that you have to open it up, but it was kinda couched, with some bs about the competition helping to see where you (current QBs) are at.
  12. He also can't say "yah I'm leaving" or "we'll see/no comment." here before Thanksgiving. Hope he stays, obviously.
  13. It would be gross, and nearly unacceptable. Wondering what a Fisher departure would be do, if LSU is a serious thing.
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