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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by UncleBuck

  1. 2 minutes ago, Codaxx said:

    That leaves Sark with 2 choices. Admit he screwed up and cut bait with PK. Admit he made a mistake by filling out the defensive staff before hiring PK and cut bait with the position coaches, letting PK bring in coaches he trusts. I think either one is a reasonable choice at this time, the only thing that isnt logical is for Sark to throw his hands up, keep everything status quo, and just play it off like it is simply a lack of talent. 

    Pretty much. I've been on the fence about this one, but it is what it is. I'd lean toward him bringing in his own guys, but how many of those guys who he really wants is he gunna actually get? You'd maybe be better off moving on if you have a guy you really believe is an upgrade.

    Now, I also just can't bring myself to believe that there was some massive, one year regression in PK's defensive brain/brain period, which has kept me on the fence, as it sure as hell isn't from anything seen on the field. Sometimes when coaches don't have the preferred talent to do what they want to do, they overthink things and take risks that don't make much sense, instead of just dumbing down to the talent and playing it safe. If he's back around, hopefully he learned from that.

    Shit, there's a lot of "hoping" with this program right now. Shitting in the other hand, I guess. Fuck this

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  2. If this staff is confident in its abilities (flood plus whomever helps there) and they’d rather have the #300 guy with all kinds of want to but a little lacking in some measurables than the #30 guy that doesn’t care, they should take the guy they are comfortable with- if it is one or the other. 
    especially if you coach them hard. 

    They should take whichever one is going to pan out imo
  3. when your QB room is on fire, you settle for one of the better QBs instead of shooting for the stars. come on!

    I can accept that maybe I’m underestimating him a bit, and overestimating the remainder of the QB talent who will possibly hit the portal, as I haven’t looked too much into it. The little I’ve watched of him outside of the RRS/RRR/WhateverTF, he’s been pretty good, but not anything amazing. Maybe I base too much off of those two games, maybe not. Just seemed to be a snowball situation, and without an OL and overall good receiving corps here, I could see similar happening. But we’ll see what Sark can put together coming up.
  4. Just now, Tex-19 said:

    Am I the only one who thinks this board is sleeping on Devin Brown big time? Feel like he barely gets discussed on here even though he's a top 50 overall recruit and sounds like we have a great chance with him.

    On3 just moved him up to #27 overall, #2 QB in the class.

    I'd say he'd probably be a good get, but I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm saying he's shit.

  5. 9 minutes ago, NoName said:

    on one side there is you, saying Rattler is shit.

    Now I've said Rattler is shit? Really? Christ all mighty.

    #1, part of my reaction is just in jest, because it's an OU QB so "ewww gross." The other part is the two games I've watched him he's been benched. It's pretty simple. I've said he's better than anything we have, and probably by far. I also said I'd like better than him, who you call "one of the better QBs in the Big 12." Yes, I'd want better than that. I want the best QB in the big 12, which isn't exactly loaded with great QBs right now.

    Got damn, never guessed that not sucking Spencer Rattler's dick would get such a reaction on this place.



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  6. 1 minute ago, NoName said:

    Dane Brugler had him as his #2 QB going into this season, behind Howell

    Just different people I've listened to on podcasts, twitter follows etc... Not like he's ass or anything, just overrated coming into the season. It's not that he doesn't have all of the physical tools, because he's got most of everything you'd want, and he's done some amazing things. I guess I've just seen him absolutely fall apart against two below average defenses and that's just in the front of my head when I hear his name.

  7. 6 minutes ago, immamac said:

    I swear some of you don't actually watch football and just have the game on and visualize the box score.

    No, I've literally watched Spencer Rattler play two games and it was against my team's questionable defenses and he was benched both times. Outside of that, people who I trust that evaluate QBs don't think much of him, either. Doesn't mean he's not better than Thompson or Card, just means I'd rather have someone better than Spencer Rattler, too. He's overrated. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, immamac said:

    If you wouldn't take spencer rattler you are a fucking moron. He's way better than anything we have at QB, only reason he got benched is because caleb williams is a fucking beast. 

    Still would rather have an older, vocal leader type QB come in even if they aren't awesome. We don't need awesome, we need someone who can make basic throws. Fuck I'd even take Purdue's QB from this season.

    The question ISN'T if you'd take Spencer Rattler -the guy who was benched against Texas defenses twice- over your current QBs, the question is would you want Spencer Rattler as your QB. No, we would not. We want someone better than Thompson, Hudson Card, AND Spencer Rattler as our QB. 

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