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Armin Tamzarian

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Everything posted by Armin Tamzarian

  1. It needs to be seen. Everywhere. In conclusion, fuck you.
  2. What do we expect police to *do*, exactly, when dealing with the homeless?
  3. i'd say that's an overly broad interpretation
  4. And just think, the Open Carry lobby wants us all to be able to run around with guns and baklava out in the open
  5. is it illegal to walk around with a gun now? i thought we had 2nd amendment rights.
  6. Heathrow (T5) is a mall they drive planes up to. Completely ridiculous.
  7. the use of socks will not be tolerated
  8. That's true, they could. They won't, but they could.
  9. Nothing a can of hairspray and a lighter can't handle
  10. Of course, but it is a stretch to say that rolling back of a couple of city ordinances is going to enable Austin's vagrants to continue living the high life.
  11. Beware conflating "panhandler" with "homeless."
  12. That's an awfully broad generalization, counselor.
  13. Here's the part where the pinche libruls tell us that these are resources that most civilized Western Nations provide to their citizens, then loudly wondering why we haven't followed suit.
  14. I agree that most homeless are mentally ill or addicted. But mental illness isn't a choice. And after a point, drug addiction isn't either. I find it difficult to believe, however, that we're making homelessness such a cushy lifestyle that people choose to do it. I think that's a bad take.
  15. I would bet that the vast majority of homeless people are not there by choice.
  16. Those of us poors with the Gold Delta Amex enjoy the occasional $29 pop-in we get to the lounges. I've heard it's nice--is there outdoor seating, or all inside?
  17. i feel like you're trying to tell us something
  18. Long time listener, first time caller. What happens when a homeless person runs afoul of the ordinance *now*? Do they go directly to jail? Are they cited? Are they just told to skeedaddle?
  19. I've got nowhere to go but up, boys
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