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Everything posted by AustinMT

  1. Daughter and son-in-law live there. It is a recommendation/ask for people to not come there, not a flight shutdown. Kauai mayor has said he is “restricting” air travel to that island to people with essential needs. I believe that restricting Flights can only be done by the federal government.
  2. Ahh — because there is less smoke with direct heat...
  3. And it is flying over West Texas this very moment
  4. I cut and pasted the wrong post — Sorry!!! Meant to grab the one just above your post. I can only blame in on my lack of coffee at the time
  5. Nice of you to take that sentence completely of context, but, hey, that’s the Surly way of quoting...
  6. Stayed out at a friend’s house too late last night, so canceled our dinner reservations and decided to stay home, cook steaks and enjoy these:
  7. Good luck to you! My Dad was a small business owner (also blue collar) so I understand, at a much lower level than you, the challenges of keeping a small business afloat. Dad’s business was heavily dependent on the oil industry in the 80s — made it through with a lot of challenges. You’ll do the same
  8. Because I am not going to go in their house or make direct contact (or even be close). It will be dropping of items (which they can let wait in the garage) and doing work on the yard and house outside. Again, you guys need to stop assuming things, and keep your opinions to yourselves. Your assumptions about what I am doing, apparently to to justify Lando’s attitude and your unwavering defense of him, have become incredibly tiresome.
  9. Let us know how it turns out, and post a pic if you can
  10. I’ve smoked all kinds of things on my Traeger, but never thought to do a chuck roast. How do they turn out, and what temp do you use?
  11. “Trips” does not mean I am taking pleasure trips. “Trips” means going to make sure my elderly parents who live a few hours away are OK and getting items to them; they could probably get delivery, but need to check on them. “Trips” means having to fly for a couple of upcoming work trips that, maybe, could be done by video but probably not a good idea to do so for reasons that are none of Lando’s business. “Trips” means the flight I just took for an event for my son in college that I was not going to miss (his college is now set to be all online like many others by the way). So none of these are life and death essential, but none of them are pleasure runs either. That’s my point — I don’t need to listen to Lando spewing and cussing when he has no clue what is going on with anyone outside his sphere. As far as other people’s choices, whether essential or they choose to go on vacations, I’m not going to judge.
  12. No, what I am telling you (and them) is it is their choice, not your’s.
  13. I’m not going on vacation, that was canceled which you apparently glossed over to make your “point.” What I said, and what you apparently can’t get through your pea brain, is that I do have to make other trips that you may consider non-essential. Neither I, nor anyone else, needs your approval or thoughts on what is essential or non-essential. Have a happy life, and stay out of mine. By the way, again nice to show your superior command of the English language.
  14. I’m not suggesting I am going to be a “bad ass nonconformist tough guy.” I am suggesting that your use of the terminology “you’re a selfish piece of shit. And fuck you for doing this to the rest of us. Seriously...get a fucking grip“ for anyone that does not fall in line with your views is doltish. As I mentioned above, we canceled our trip to Europe. I have other trips to make that you may consider “nonessential” but I am not interested in your view on what I should or should not do. Let people exercise their own restraint, instead of using your limited vocabulary to scold them.
  15. Get over yourself and put on your tinfoil hat. By the way, what is “non-essentially traveling?” Seal yourself in your house with duct tape and leave us alone, you “piece of shit.”
  16. We were set to leave for France and Italy 4/15. Started canceling everything on Monday. We have been able to get refunds or credit (mainly the flights for credit) on virtually everything. We plan to rebook for October (assuming it will be OK?) and, if that works, will be out under $200.
  17. I’ve had 6 flight segments through 5 airports in the past month, including last weekend. I canceled our trip to Italy and France set for mid-April to early May because Italy shut down, and France is a mess. Didn’t cancel due to fear of getting the virus — I could get that by going to H-E-B (when it’s open). Canceled because of things being locked down (were going to be in Milan and Venice, along with Florence) and fear of travel restrictions. Not going to live in a bubble for domestic travel. Park City is beautiful. Go enjoy it
  18. Have a trip coming up end of March (and may have to go back end of April, CV permitting). Have everything lined up, but debating one last slot: Restaurant R’evolution or La Petite Grocery?
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