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  1. Yep I wrote after the Arkansas game that I had my doubts about this staff adjusting properly, and I’m happy to be wrong. The last two weeks have looked like a different team. I think the rest of the season is going to be pretty fun. Glad to see Casey balling out.
  2. Thought the same thing, were they carpeted or something? They seemed to be jogging down them pretty easily.
  3. Hudson Card is the second coming of Garret Gilbert. And you folks claiming Thompson was playing in garbage time clearly don’t understand rivalry football — Arky wanted to shut us out, badly, the whole game. I have little confidence in this staff making good strategic decisions now that they failed to replace Card in the first or second quarter when it was clear that he didn’t have his head in the game. I hope they change course and prove me wrong.
  4. We lost to them 37-7 in the third round my senior year after rolling through the rest of our schedule. I played for Newton, we never lacked team speed even in non-championship years, and this Marlin team wasn’t just bigger than us (most teams were), they were faster. Jeremy Sanders hit me in the nuts by accident when I sacked him once that game, that’s my primary memory. The rest was us getting demoralized and crying after the game. I feel like 3A football is kind of the sweet spot if you’re like me and weren’t very talented — get to play against some badasses occasionally but still get to compete. Anyway, I’d love/hate to see us pick up some Marlin guys. If they’re anything like the Marlin players from 15 years ago, they have that dog in ‘em.
  5. Totally agree on Fred, he seems to have learned lessons quickly, and socialization via /b/ would fuck anybody up. I’m glad I didn’t know about /b/ until I was almost 20, and it was already presented as a wild place when I found out about it. Ron and Jim, however, are irredeemable caricatures of sexless internet trolls.
  6. Pure troll, they hijacked the Q account and immediately began posting their own brand of bullshit. Lots of “well I don’t really know much about Q, but some of what he says seems correct” language just to keep the troll going. Lots of shit-eating grinning happening, fucking embodying the universal troll symbol on screen. The Watkinses are some of the worst humans I’ve ever seen. The dude in the wheelchair probably believed it at first but then wised up pretty quickly. He even said at one point that he just didn’t realize that the internet was the real world and carries consequences, that he had always seen them as two totally separate things. Lots of crazy to unpack in this one.
  7. Conservatives aren’t being silenced. Nobody on Twitter debating small government or fiscal conservatism is being banned. Extremists who are pledging violence because they lost are.
  8. Except Dixon did break stride, look at the wide angle replay then the final close up. He has to kind of throw his left hand back at one point to help slow himself up and maintain balance around the 40. The LB closes several yards, then Dixon catches the ball and turns the speed back on and separates from him about another yard before scoring. He slowed down. It was still a really good throw, it just wasn’t 100% in stride or else Dixon would have ended up 7-10 yards ahead of the LB when he scored. Casey balled out, love to see it.
  9. I hope his sources are his eyeballs because that shit was all obvious.
  10. I have a feeling “Take the points” will make its way onto a banner before the end of Herman’s tenure here.
  11. He played a hell of a game last night. I was worried after LSU that he would be in his head for the rest of the season, I’m glad he’s proving my worry wrong.
  12. That’s all well and good, but section 29 isn’t student seating. It’s reserved, so ticket holders had to run hundreds of students out of their seats, which clogged the aisles and caused a huge, hazardous clusterfuck.
  13. You’re a laughable troll, dude. You need to learn from some of the long-gamers around here. You tip your hand in every single post because you’re a fucking moron.
  14. As someone who escaped from behind the pine curtain, I have to say this story saddens but does not surprise me. Livingston is basically a lake away from Jasper. Vidor isn’t much further south, either. Livingston is just trying to fit in, guys.
  15. This freshman sure has ruffled some of you guys’ feathers. Her power was limited until you rubes gave her hours and hours of Fox News coverage and couldn’t keep her name out of your mouths. She’s masterfully deploying many of the same tactics Trump does on social media. People keep screaming about how someone more nefarious and adept than Trump will take over one day and abuse the office even worse— what if that isn’t someone from the right? What if that’s AOC? Trumpkins will be threatening to move to Russia with the quickness. I’d laugh if it weren’t so damn scary that this is where we are as a country.
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