Yeah this doesn’t surprise me. I bet you have location services enabled and WiFi on most of the time, so Apple is constantly getting the GPS data from your phone and logging it. Then they can analyze that data for trends and send you notifications. The questions I have are what else are they doing with that data, and how secure is it? I’m hoping they go to great lengths to secure it, but is that secure enough? Imagine some tens of millions of users having their location data breached, whoever ends up with that data would be able to analyze it and discern the location of your home, work, the restaurants you like most, where your mistress lives, etc. If you’re looking for a job of the future, security engineer is a pretty safe one that pays fairly well. No CR but this is also why our enemies are constantly trying to penetrate our top tech companies. The data they own is powerful enough to win a Cold War if used “properly”.