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El Squared

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  1. If RTard gets fired, does he have to give Willie Wonka his lavender glasses back?
  2. It is a chore transporting old used couches all the way from their living rooms in Ohio to the Metroplex. Happily, there is an ample supply in the alley and dumpsters near Jerry World. Flame on!
  3. Unlikely either team will play a “complete game“ for 4 quarters. Let the better team win and keep the zebras the fuck out of it.
  4. When teOSU travels, how do they bring their couches? Oversized luggage on a plane or "live off the land" at a DFW Goodwill ? Charcoal lighter fluid from Dollar General or Family Dollar for sure....but the couch thing threw me.
  5. OSU has the pressure on them, like they did with meat chicken at home. Now THEY have to live up to their other-worldly hype, and overcome the intoxicationg huffing of their own chili spaghetti farts for 8 days. THEY have to have a great game, THEY are quite capable of shitting down their jorts. Pressure is on THEM.
  6. Did someone turn off the banjo music in the background?
  7. Yes ,they can absolutely just walk into B1G and waltz back anytime , they are that desirable. And of course, fantastic success follows them wherever they are. While no ‘’question” asked of aggy , ever, I have one : where did he score the LSD?
  8. The Wall of Truth on the side of Kyle Stadium enshrines and protects all the hundreds of thousands of championships aggy has to date. aggy has no need for inferior blue blood, they have white blood, obtained from each other , and sheep, administered orally, rectally, nasally, and intraocularly via organic hypodermic micro tubules or glass cylinders ….no other organization carries such “cream of the crotch” white blood in their bloodstream. Sacred.
  9. Wrong: people reel them back into the body all the time, voluntarily and involuntarily, particularly anxious and fearful guys. Most women too.
  10. Going forward I give 0 billion focks about this topic of targeting since there was plenty of reverse refuckery on us by the "blind"( prolly well-compensated) zebras. It wasn't even close to balanced. My only real concern going forward with this stupid story is that it does not bleed over into our next game and the alleged referees feel that they need some additional make up calls against us. The rest of the talking heads/barking rectums out there can keep fellating themselves.
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