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El Squared

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Everything posted by El Squared

  1. Kentucky is abbreviated KY…..and they ain’t getting any…..we are going in dry.
  2. She has 6 on each hand….and each of them have a mouth….
  3. The interest in Deion is the same interest people have rubber-necking a flipped over car on the freeway. Not success, but attraction to a shit show.
  4. Who doesn’t love Arch being Arch AND Quinn being Quinn. I think both will be needed for OU , GA.
  5. Slow roast? What about a quick sear?
  6. At home…meaning they were Sooner cucks.
  7. You said dumbfucks but you forgot to mention missing chromosome losers.
  8. Until the refs have at least superficial accountability, they will continue to pervert calls and sometimes game outcomes. If the league doesn’t police it, unplanned chaos will find its way in.
  9. Being a Cowboys fan is a combination of being unable to let go of an ex-girlfriend who unceremoniously dumped you and a being a cuck for the same ex. Why people do this with ownership that despises the fan base is beyond masochistic or extreme Munchausen’s syndrome.
  10. Disappointed aggy didn’t say “loose to Texas”…..like they often do.
  11. As us woodworkers say: “Wood is good, good wood is great!”
  12. Yes they have the required low IQ to perform the action.
  13. Thing is #7 and #81 also somewhat open. What a team.
  14. Perhaps it would have been better for Arch to get injured in garbage time. Some folks love being miserable (cunts).
  15. And the Longhorn flags at their no-tell motel…..double rainbow!
  16. How atrocious! Texas flags side by side to Meatchicken flags, what next, the cutlery or cups and saucers with Texas logos? My , my the vaginess of UM…UM..is quite delicious.
  17. Need 2 actually. (Bevo) . No need to airdrop equipment, could land in a parking lot at the opposing team stadium, and instead of flares, drop some processed human biological materials on to their tailgaters.
  18. And shoot up while you're shitting in the street looking at the Golden Gate Bridge!
  19. My concern is the bufu B1G refs, but then again, the big 12 refs have prepared our anuses well enuf we should have calices , if not venereal warts, so we should be ready.
  20. Victims of libtard state laws have a duty to retreat, STFU, and/or die, to save the planet and bring down the standard of living to the lowest possible denominator. On our way!
  21. They are forecasting the non-consensual sodomy they will face in the league……maybe secretly consensual, IDK.
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