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  1. Aggy been known to pimp out more than just their trucks...
  2. No kidding. Unless they change the rule somehow we will never get a play as spectacular as this ever again:
  3. I think you mean salet.
  4. Allsup's fried burritos - if I had to guess what he was funneling down his gullet.
  5. Just like a chimpanzee.
  6. Taking the family to Italy this summer. Me, Mrs, and the boys (15 and 8). My thought after reading the first page of this thread and a few travel blogs I enjoy is to fly into Milan, rent a car, and road trip south, flying home from Rome. 10 nights. I haven't been to Italy since 2005 and reading just the first page of this thread has me feeling overwhelmed. There isn't a small countryside city I wouldn't want to explore, an amazing restaurant I wouldn't want to eat at, or a church or museum I wouldn't go inside and look at. So, I have to make a detailed trip plan so we don't muck things up. I have Rome covered and this thread seems to have a ton about Rome. But everything before those last 3 days is up in the air. I am I making a good or bad choice to consider renting a car and driving rather than train? I do plan to read all 30 pages of this thread and take some notes.
  7. This is easily one of the most common posts on this thread (not complaining). But why do so many women think this is a logical approach to heating a house quicker. Do they think it's like adding more logs to a fire to burn bigger and it will heat more/faster if we demand more? Yup. 65 here in our house. 62 at night.
  8. ***meant to edit my last post, not post again*** I've reached the point of not giving a fuck. Born '83. Some of my best childhood memories are Cowboy victories, Superbowls, and Thanksgiving turkey shared with family at tailgates in the Texas Stadium parking lot. But fuck 'em. I'm done. My 14 year old son tapped out after this year and so have I. I will cheer for them, but I won't give a fuck win or lose.
  9. Yes, if the timeline Mark has in his head is correct Gemma's only been dead a couple of years, so Huang presumably is not his daughter. Also regarding the theory of Helena being the one in the office... I thought that too. Something in the first few minutes of the episode tipped me off - can't remembner right now. I'll have to go back tonight and rewatch and put it here.
  10. She's got it for sure. 0:33 in this video when she's walking out, "praise kier." The attitude and sarcasm mixed with her good looks. Yes, please.
  11. BlueGreySky


    Yeah... that line was... it was something. lol. With regards to being critical of the details: Imagine getting worked up over "The Office" because it doesn't accurately depict what cubicle life is like and how the boss (and employees) get away with doing and saying ridiculous shit. It's a show. Enjoy it for what it is. Or don't watch. Whatever.
  12. Fuck ohio the state, the university, all of it. Fuck the dot on the i. fuck jim tressel, woody haytes, and especially urban meyer. a state that truly is not worth shitting on. Fuck these fucks. Alright, there's my moment of ohio hatred. Good luck.
  13. I said what I said. I like his post because it addressed the fact that two defensive penalties wiped out two Pedo turnovers, and those both directly led to points for them. It sucked. Pretty minor thing to nitpick.
  14. First one was not one I'd spend energy arguing over with the refs or a PSU fan. Perhaps that ass QB saw the flag being thrown and knew he had a free shot. It was a fucking terrible and under-thrown ball which is why it was picked so easy.
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