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  1. Reminds me in some ways of Bob Sanders - college at Iowa, short 6 year NFL career with Colts.
  2. I can't find it on youtube or aggypedia... does anyone have a link to the aggy war hymn parody with the odd dude's voice and then all the pictures of the corps and weird aggy shit? I can find the video on youtube with just the dude singing but no videos with the images. Anyone remember that or know where to find it?
  3. I'm awake, alive, and about to start smoking the first of two turkeys today to take back to South Bend to the in-laws for Christmas. The energy was electric. The temps weren't as bad once you got in the stadium. There's a collective solace in everyone in non-student seating being all bundled up, basically leaning against the people behind and next to you (and the people in front of you on your knees) creates some kind of cocoon of warmth. Until the next big play and everyone is on their feet and yelling. The national anthem was cool - everyone singing along. The game was dominant until the end when we went into prevent D and gave up stupid points. Just stay in base D for fucks sake. To haters and doubters on here - Jan 1 is when we fall flat on our face or show whether we can topple one of the best in the nation. Rylie Milles (99 on D) will be a big factor for that game - whether that knee of his was just hurting last night or it was injured. Really, really hope he's ok. I am so glad I could sleep at my in-laws house last night. We sat and drank in the parking lot for quite a while as traffic dispursed. That was the best home tailgating/pregame environment I've ever been part of there. Got dropped off at in-laws in the early hours of the morning. Slept it off, drove back to Indy, and will head back to SB on Monday. IU, as many expected, was a fraud. But I do hope they get better and stay good/decent. Cig is a blowhard but he's better for college football than milquetoast coaches. I cheered for him every game this year except last night. Then, he just became some obnoxious douche. Now, he's just harmless little brother again. I'm just gonna enjoy the W, the experience, and hope that the W's keep coming and we see y'all on Jan 20. The older I get and the more friends/family I've said goodbye to the more I realize life is so much bigger than what color or letters you wear on your shirt. Go Irish. Hook Em.
  4. It is cold as fuck. I can barely get my fingers or phone to work. Need to put my gloves back on so the beer and the cold don't freeze my fingers. I am heading in the stadium soon. The players walk from Mass to the stadium in the dark in the midst of college gameday and all the fans was unlike anything I've experienced here in 20 years of attending games. See y'all on the other side and hopefully see you gents on January 20. Go Irish and Hook Em! FUCK IU.
  5. BlueGreySky


    It's like watching the Avengers. There's no reality to the story and lots of the action; but there's this (at least for me) entertaining collision of normal people, absurd people, real places, and absurd things that happen alongside daily life... and I'm just gonna let myself sit back and be entertained by that. I'm a homesick Texan; I like the setting and lots of other details people have mentioned: As a son of a Permian football player and grandson of west Texas oil man, I like it. Plus BBT casting (Friday Night Lights) and Larter (Varsity Blues) makes this a slice of nostalgia pie. Oh and not to forget the credits music that is very similar to Explosions in the Sky from FNL movie. Based on the end of the last episode, not sure what to make of the PigPen's status. Wouldn't be surprised either way. But you could see it coming a mile away when Ariana told him to never miss a family meal - you never know which one will be your last.
  6. Football team taking notes from fake army.
  7. They crapped the bed against Auburn for sure. But to say they crapped the bed against Texas is implying that they were neck and neck the whole night, or had the lead, or really anything that resembled a chance.
  8. LOL. Soon to be passed by SMU as well.
  9. For the love of God, please stop quoting the brisket abortion picture.
  10. Pre-existing condition when he arrived - bullet holes in his head.
  11. it's a perfect story. a tradition as important as a tree or a turkey. “oooh like over thurr- look at the Santa up on the roof kids.” I know bitch “I'M THE ONE THAT FUCKING PUT HIS FAT ASS UP THERE LAST WEEK"
  12. Yeah, it's a crushing gut-punch the way it's delivered. I've read the script, watched commentaries about the original monologue. The way it is now, to me at least, is perfection and brings me damn near to (or to) tears every time.
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