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Everything posted by BlueGreySky

  1. She mad.
  2. Ghostbusters 2 was a good movie. It's biggest fault is that it's not nearly as funny as GB1, which is a top 10 comedy for me. I am particularly fond of 2 because of when it was released (I was a first or second grader). GB3 is tapping into nostalgia for a certain generation and for others it's tapping into how WILDLY terrible the reboot was. As big of a swing/miss as that reboot was, even a foul-tip will feel like a homerun for GB3.
  3. The doc was really great, for anyone considering watching it.
  4. Very full.
  5. Holy fucking shit... this could be all sorts of awesome.
  6. Darwin fucked up and hit the snooze button too many times... this dude already procreated.
  7. What a fucking embarrassment to our state.
  8. I read on twitter that Rhule turned down the Jets because he wanted to bring his entire staff with him and the Jets front office wanted to dictate who he hired. Rhule said, k thanks bye.
  9. Does it actually include the Greek gods? Even though I liked the Pitt "Troy", that was my biggest beef with that movie- just ignoring that whole part of the Illiad. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Saw a juco bowl game this year and the team secured the win with a self-imposed safety. 8 seconds left. Up 6. Fourth and 10 from own 20. OL holds the shit outta everyone. QB runs around like herp-a-derp until almost caught then out the back of the endzone. No time left on the clock. Game blouses.
  11. What a bullshit overturn. That nose was not on the turf.
  12. Happy! was really good. Finished it last night. What a dark holiday mini-series. Anyone know what s2 is about?
  13. his christmas story about working as an elf in a department store is also pretty good...
  14. Forgot another rarity - a TV movie from the 80s: "Best Little Christmas Pageant Ever"
  15. It's been years since I've had to be amidst a group of them (one good thing about the midwest is that they are sprinkled about here - not lumped together in their goobernetworks, attracted to each other like blackholes of stupidity). From what I remember it was a lot of self-aggrandizing, fake history, fake achievements, talk of "two years from now - juggernaut", and to cap it off was usually a circle jerk. But hey, that's there thing.
  16. I know we have a large DFW contingent on here. I'll be back home in Dallas with my family visiting for Christmas vacation. If any of y'all have hookups or a shot at decent tickets that aren't asinine StubHub prices, let me know. Thanks.
  17. That’s outstanding. I just finished ep 1 and am hooked also.
  18. A couple of technicalities from my list: Charlie Brown Christmas, even though it was a tv special and not a movie. Still deserves a nod. And of course The Grinch.
  19. Christmas Vacation Holiday Inn Scrooged Bad Santa Christmas Story Trading Places Meet Me in St Louis Family Man And two "come at me" choices simply because of how bad they are, they're awesome - Jingle All the Way, Deck the HAlls
  20. Reminds me of Wondershowzen on MTV - made a short run in 2004-2005 iirc.
  21. Got lower bowl tickets for my son to take him to his first Cowboys game as part of his Christmas gift... and they completely shit the bed. He was so sad. We stayed to the end hoping to get to say hi to some players we have connections to - no luck, they all pretty quickly took off for the locker room as you can imagine. We leave the field area and get to the concourse and bump into Zack Martin’s family (my wife taught him and his brothers in HS, so we kinda know them) and his brother gives us two family passes to come see the players outside the locker room as their boarding the busses. Well that made my boy’s year. Got to talk with him and Tyler Frederick for a long time and meet/see other players. Gallup was the nicest other than Zack. spoiler huge pics
  22. So Jade logged in at the old site and asked that some thread about a murder she knew about be deleted.
  23. Nadafinga!!!
  24. Did the same thing for my 8th grade nephew last weekend. "Are you serious" was asked at least 10 times. And I was just scratching the surface during a 15min car ride to pick up pizza. He was making fun of the milkmen and fake army by the end of the ride.
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