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Everything posted by BlueGreySky

  1. Handball called on Mexican keeper when he and the ball clearly still in the box. Luckily no yellow issued.
  2. just came to post that collapse news. makes me feel cry.
  3. I thought croatia already played nigeria? don't they play iceland in their final game? iceland plays nigeria tomorrow in the second game. hopefully iceland wins. then iceland and croatia play in their final game, working to a draw and both advance.
  4. the MJ / flag meme is the best one in a long time.
  5. someone said it earlier in this thread... iceland beats nigeria. iceland and croatia play nice and agree to a draw when they play so that they both advance.
  6. Nice for her to wear a target on her shirt for all the tourist traps to take aim at.
  7. Not only is little Homesick surly material, but those two goober aggy are exactly what all aggy are like - shit talking to a kid. jfc. fucking pathetic shitdicks that are an embarrassment to the state.
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