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Everything posted by BlueGreySky

  1. Indycar is live on FB for practice and qual for the Grand Prix. Headed out to the track later for the afternoon. Will be back again next Friday for Fast Friday.
  2. Getting turned down by the Masters lottery... a tradition like no other.
  3. Is there anything else on youtube red worth watching?
  4. Found a Gold Eagle laying on the sidewalk about 6 months ago.
  5. yeah. it's pretty clear that they're leaving out what it is that reacted with his meds. i don't buy it was a change in dosage.
  6. This treasure can't go over a month with no posting. We need more Dirtbike! Oh, and this 5 year old kid is a female Jimmy in the making... https://wokesloth.com/5-year-olds-hilarious-answers/mariam/
  7. Yeah... gonna need a name for her.
  8. jesus, she looks like the joker.
  9. James Gunn confirmed what Groot's last line was to Rocket as he dissolved away... "Dad"
  10. Because it felt like a disjointed mess the other way (in many people's opinions). This is a top 5 show for me all-time and I didn't finish season 4.
  11. Season 4 remix dropped today and is getting pretty good reviews on twitter. Will begin watching tonight.
  12. Dammit. I was very much looking forward to him going through quals at Indy and potentially making the race.
  13. the last two episodes were a letdown honestly. old tropes and character decisions that didn't match with the rest of the series. thought there could have been a better ending. but, the way it ended was to set up for a second season. wonder how long till that will drop? overall i really, really liked it. solid B+
  14. every day. i've never worn a dress shirt without an undershirt.
  15. this is way better than i thought it'd be. 4 episodes in. if you're debating doing a youtube red 30 day free trial, do it.
  16. it's probably because of lingering ripple effect of the comics. in the comics he does everything because he is obsessed/in love with death. he does this all to impress her and win her over, iirc.
  17. how the comic "infinity gauntlet" ends:
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