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  1. Itll continue because your all babies who don't do any work at your jobs and you think you're some amazing cool clique
  2. Ban me you fucking suck at sports! A billion dollars for 6 win seasons
  3. Red McCombs is a racist and Perry ruined the university by imparting a cult.
  4. Texas is bad at sports. Why! Cuz sports are fake and Texas fans are kinda pussies.
  5. Trump is a super bastard and W did 911. Oil is satan.
  6. Its not stick
  7. He do Mr bad president.
  8. I'm indicting him now.
  9. Yes. Just ignore me. Trump is a fuckface.
  10. Bi
  11. I'm melting.
  12. When it's 120 degrees this summer in Texas, remember me. Remember what I said. Remember Sugar. Remember ......................
  13. Guns, god and global warming!!!!!!! = Armageddon. Wake the fuck up!
  14. Trump colluded with Saudi Arabia. So did the Bush Administration. The NRA is tied in with this.
  15. The oil companies murdered 3000 people in those towers. And then they set the Iraqi oilfields on fire. To take them offline and raise the price of oil. Less supply more demand = a textbook price hike. Then they robbed the american middle class of all their savings and set up a second election theft. Which just happened. Notice how there is a fake Republican administration again. And the price of oil is skyrocketing again! And war in the middle east is on the horizon! They're doing it again.
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