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Everything posted by sugar

  1. I don't remember. I wrote some excellent shit about Garrett Gilbert though, specifically how he was destined for One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest pillow ending because Mack Brown broke his brain. Strangely enough, MB did the same thing to David Ash. Heckuva job, Brownie.
  2. He might not be real. Anymore. Repeal & Replace.
  3. Don't worry, Tyler. Nobody's (everybody's) listening.
  4. This is a little threatening. Fight Club was a story set in LA about not talking about .......
  5. i might get killed ya know. I've been physically attacked & run over by a car. I'm serious. I could tell you some stuff about The Russians. Later, maybe.
  6. 9/1 1. That's a little odd. Rudy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I noticed the creation of the alt right years ago. I also know a few other secrets about the theft of the election. It was coordinated out of Los Angeles. Where I live. When I arrived to LA I was tweeting with Andrew Breitbart. Shockingly he died about the same time I arrived. Go back and look at the L.A Times election polls, they were the ONLY poll predicting a Trump victory. Breitbart has offices close to the LA Times. The LA Times knew fix was in. Now the LA Times has been sold to a rich Asian. I'm telling you, America is under attack.
  8. several years ago I noticed that the internet was awash with fake Russian and Conservative post bots, including shaggybevo. I was banned for pointing this out. This shit just stole America. I was right and I was called the troll. I'm telling you right now, they're gonna fire Mueller and try to bury his investigation, then they're gonna attack dissent. This is China / Stalin 101. If you let this happen, your children will be slaves.
  9. Indict Trump before he fires Mueller. The race is on.
  10. Go ahead, ignore the truth and me all you want. But I will bet you everything on earth what I say proves true.
  11. As are you to me. I don't care about your fucking "feelings". That's how the truth dies, because it makes somebody feel uncomfortable.
  12. Stupid. You people ban truth telling. Doing this kind of shit everywhere in America is why humanity gets raped by the evil & powerful, and nothing ever changes. Why are you people so terrified of the blatantly obvious truth. It says The Truth Shall Set You Free over the archway entrance to the UT clock tower, yet you people would rather debate shit to death. No wonder all that building is known for is a human slaughter by a military trained sharp shooter. How flipping ironic. Have some balls! You do that, you win a championship in football, instead of being laughed at by engineers from Rice.
  13. im not a freaking troll. I'm just tired of all the chickenshit babble. I've narrowed it down. In 6 months youll see how right I am.
  14. DNC emails hacked for the benefit of Trump. They colluded with Russia (and Saudi Arabia). Thus, the investigation was warranted. End of story. Your attempt to revise the narrative is Orwellian.
  15. And he stole the election. And the whole world knows it.
  16. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News destroyed "truth". The left still tells truths, and they lose elections as a consequence. Crime pays, and the scumfuck President the right elected proves that. He's using his office to get paid.
  17. This national townhall debate stuff solves nothing. Pass a freaking substantive gun control law! Why don't we TRY THAT, JUST ONCE!
  18. Will the teachers of this class be armed? Because otherwise it's a target rich environment. I blame the pharmaceutical companies and black fathers
  19. Yes, it's like you are sermonizing into a hail of bullets.
  20. This is American end times shit happening here. The volcano blasts for we.
  21. Trump must be impeached & imprisoned, and the right wing must be finally exposed for the criminal pile of shit it is. And then democratically eradicated. Nothing else needs to be said or done. America is over if we do anything less.
  22. The GOP is a slimy seditious crime family.
  23. I'm telling the fucking truth. My personal credibility is irrelevant.
  24. You're a fraud. You obviously have a bogus argument you want to advance per rw programming. You're indistinguishable from a Russian trump bot.
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