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Everything posted by sugar

  1. They're laying the groundwork to fire Mueller etc. This is their defense strategy, a mafia hit. It's positively Stalinesque. Shame on Republicans. You destroyed America.
  2. I'm so tired of conservatives. They're psychopathic beasts.
  3. It is the guns. Ban them, i bet you anything that 99% of the mass shootings stop. Guns, oil & religion are the world's paramount killers. And this is all the Republican party stands for. You are a party of racist redneck murderers, and you let Russia overrun this country. You people are goddamn traitors. And Trump is a fucking national shame.
  4. The United States military and Jesus kills the most kids ever. Planned parenthood has never shot up a school or bombed a country. The Republican party murders people. You are a fucking murderer. You belong in hell.
  5. Why would law enforcement think guns are dangerous!!!??? The NRA didn't balk.
  6. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/01/607054795/nra-bans-guns-during-convention-speech-by-president-vice-president
  7. They banned guns at the Trump rally. No, they don't ban guns at their gun sales showcases. Duh. Because all they're about is gun sales.
  8. Everything gets goddamn discussed. Gun control is never fucking enacted. It's the mother fucking guns that are the fucking problem and it's beyond obvious. You are a moron or a disingenuous sociopath if you continually deny this. It's the guns guns guns!! God fucking dammit IT IS THE GUUUUNNNNSSS!
  9. I blame peanuts and pillow forts! And Elvis and tonsillitis!
  10. It's guns. Otherwise let's blame life itself. Birth causes this! As does wind, trees and moonlight.
  11. Gold Star moms swell with pride. We voted for this wonderful man to enrich his wonderful hotels. So what if there is an occasional f bomb.
  12. Trump is a fucking disgrace.
  13. Russians are too. Their crap is fucking asinine and obvious. It works off of this premise. They think Republicans are stupid and tasteless and easily emotionalized into a lifetime of self destructive activities. Rupert Murdoch built a propaganda empire off of this thesis. Foreigners have created a textbook on how to mobilize 1/2 of Americans against the other half, as well as themselves, thus decimating the prosperity of the country by enmeshing it in unceasing civil warfare. The terrorists have essentially won.
  14. Guns don't kill people, MSNBC kills people.
  15. Sure. Ban bullets. Whatever it takes to save the lives of kids by limiting the fire power of American maniacs, i'm all for it. Conservatives are out buying more guns in honor of the dead children that liberal culture has murdered with diversity training and health care and gun control discussions and what not.
  16. Actually, Cars will kill everybody on earth due to global WARming. Thanks Oil! As I said somewhere on this board, get rid of guns, oil & religion and earth might well become a heavenly garden of eden.
  17. where will it happen next!?? Georgia? Montana? Cincinnati? How many kids will die this year? 55!?? 66?? This is all there is to discuss, because the NRA has guns to sell and the GOP has lies to tell.
  18. We'll talk about this for a week, discussing every nuance and angle, and then within a week or two, it'll happen again. The common denominator is guns.
  19. Rudy is a crackpot. Trump is a despot.
  20. Trump should tweet "Snitches get stitches" this 3AM. We elected Whitey Bulger president of the United States. I'd say that's a mistake.
  21. Conservatives and career criminals now share the same psyche.
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