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Everything posted by sugar

  1. Trump colluded with the funders of 911.
  2. Some genius entrapped all these goons. In one fell swoop. All of em, wriggling in the same net. Could be Wonder Woman maybe.
  3. It's like the perfect set up to annihilate the GOP forever. Even the NRA is on the hook. Maybe this is some kind of 888D Obama chess.
  4. Is Trump an American? Seems like his daddy is a Russian. And a North Korean. And a Chinaman. And a Saudi prince. Lol, show us your birth certificate, Donald. You're a commie islamofascist foreign collaborator! What were the conservatives saying about Obama!!??? Lol. Ultra karma.
  5. Imagine if Obama did .0000000001% of this. Omg apology tour ! remember that. Lol.
  6. I'd love to see Hannity defend this shit. Mr fucking 911 hero great american iraq war monger himself. He's in bed with a guy who accepts bribes from Saudi Arabia and takes orders from North Korea.
  7. Kellyane Conway ought to follow the lead of Hope Hicks. Sarah Sanders too.
  8. Now I see why all these officials, elected and appointed, are bailing out. Paul Ryan quit because he'd be stained with complicity. And maybe associated with obstruction. Those doing all the leaking are essentially behaving like informants. I bet the consensus is that Trump is kryptonite. If not before, now it definitely will be. He's lied to and publicly bullied the whole lot of them, and conceivably requested all sort of criminal behaviors. He's embroiling them in a scurrilous conspiracy. Rex Tillerson wasn't just pissing in the wind the other day.
  9. This is bigger than Watergate. Yes indeed. This is really bad shit here.
  10. Trump is siding with the commands of North Korea (and probably China) over and above the advice and leadership of our own military. The same paradigm occurred in Iran, as we did the bidding for Russia, Saudi Arabia & Israel and we acted against the opinion of our own generals and intelligence community. Domestically, Trump is demonizing the Department of Justice and the FBI, while trying to bully and silence the press. This is exactly what happens when you collude with foreign governments, it's why such behavior is tantamount to treason. The founders could have told you this, and did, it's a constitutional bedrock, it's nation-building 101, it's the very definition of unethical and improper governance. Trump is an enemy to the state. No wonder he's concocted these "deep state" prevarications. He's in deep shit.
  11. Correct. What Trump has done is outrageous. He's a national security threat.
  12. You're like the Arabs who celebrated on 9/11.
  13. You voted for a guy who consorted with terrorists. Quadruple shame on you.
  14. "Make America do Whatever You Want Them To Do, Again & Again" The world must be laughing at us. Thanks, trumpkins, thanks!
  15. Wow. After I say this, it turns out that these are the very things which "elected" Donald Trump.
  16. If this article is valid and true, game over.
  17. I knew blackwater was behind something. I bet those insidious fuckers did Bengazzi themselves.
  18. Trump is a bitch to middle eastern terror states. Remember 911, Rudy!!
  19. And this is everybody getting all this curious international favoritism. Trump is totally vulnerable to blackmail. From terrorist harboring states now too! Fuck Trump. He's basically a mafia terrorist. Arrest him immediately. Trump is as felonious and antagonistic to American interests as Osama Bin Laden.
  20. Never forget. Guns are bad. Getting rid of guns, oil & religion will probably cure every man made ill on earth.
  21. America is foundering spiritually. And the election of Trump has soured the American dream. It was a fraud. And the whole world knows it. If America does not repair itself, we will fall.
  22. the trumpkins will turn violent some day to shield their bloated leader, especially if trump is impeached or indicted. They are a dangerous brood.
  23. Putin goes after rivals just like Trump does. Trump is un-american. He's a repulsive 3rd world strongman. He's a threat to this country.
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