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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Biden getting the nomination makes Harris his VP pick. Very happy that we didn't end up with Sanders and the DNC is starting to go away from the fringe. I can feel much more comfortable voting for Biden/Harris.
  2. I'm guess i'm not here often enough to see it but i'll take your word for it. I hacked into their mainframe and disabled their algorithms.
  3. Trump isn't going to lose Texas. Ted fucking Cruz is still in the Senate and most Republicans can't stand him.
  4. I think it's McAfree this time. He's 100% all in on the cannibalism vote.
  5. I think there are 2 options. 1) Paid Russian trolls that are coordinating to influence the election by posting on the politics section of a Texas Longhorns message board. 2) Real people with jobs and families that only get on here when work is slow.
  6. JimmyJames... this has been all over twitter for hours.. She even brought up his name
  7. This is an excellent analogy. I have family that is fully onboard supporting Sanders and so I get to see plenty of their social media posts. I agree with a lot of what they have to say conceptually but trying to have a discussion with them is like chewing on sandpaper. It's really hard to believe that they share the same values.
  8. 100% agree with this. In a brokered convention the delegates for Sanders will likely throw a tantrum as we've seen them do repeatedly. The problem isn't with posters like BT or Bernie himself. There are some real bad apples that have attached themselves to the campaign and are extremely active within it. How many of them are now delegates? Alot of Sanders supporters felt cheated in 2016 and if they feel cheated again in 2020 they aren't going to go quietly.
  9. Sorry, that crosses a clear line. I am not about to eat a bag of dicks a day.
  10. Is it really a smear though? He calls himself a Democratic Socialist. He chose that term. Whatever you are, own it. Tactically, I do think that keeping Sanders away from the nomination is probably the right move, even if they can't openly come out and say it. Most moderate Dems (as pointed out by other posters union workers) are not socialists. When things are going well with jobs and the stock market, it's hard to convince people to make a radical change like that.
  11. I think the biggest issue we could see is a scenario where Bernie is either #1 going into a brokered convention. If he doesn't get the nomination after winning the most delegates, we'll have a big problem.
  12. Glad to see we are on the same page.
  13. Say what you will about Virgil, but he's been right about a lot lately. He's also predicting Warren drops out by the end of the week.
  14. There will be an opportunity for Warren and Biden to make a comeback but to say this wasn't a disaster for both is an understatement. Both would need to get some wins before March 3rd to regain some momentum.
  15. It's a huge mistake to make too much of the caucusing of New Hampshire and Iowa. Those are the two primaries where minorities are pretty much non-existent. Mayor Pete has next to zero minority support. Sanders also has something to prove due to him losing the minority vote to Clinton. We need to see how these candidates perform in states that actually matter.
  16. Get used to it. The democratic party didn't want Bernie in 2016 because the thought was he's too far left to win the general election. I don't think anything has changed in that regard. They do not want Sanders on the ticket.
  17. I could have told you that 6 pages ago
  18. Nope.. http://twitter.com/Lawrence/status/1166800943272353792 Lawrence O'Donnell @Lawrence Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight.
  19. Tulsi should absolutely be taken seriously because she exposed a significant weakness in the Media's favorite candidate. If Harris can't handle the heat from Tulsi, she has no business sharing the stage with Trump. Whoever faces him needs to be able to defend themselves which Harris completely failed to do. Don't think for a second that one of those exonerated death row inmates Tusli brought up last night wont be one of Trump's special guests during the debates.
  20. This is the reason we have a primary. If there are issues Harris needs to address, it needs to be done now. The fact they are essentially ignoring it and point the finger at Russian Bots is not reassuring. People are so tired of the Russia stuff at this point, their eyes glaze over and ignore the article entirely. Pushing stuff like this makes them look crazy.
  21. If Tulsi doesn't back off Harris soon, she'll get endorsed by Richard Spencer. The media is going to take Tulsi out just like they did BETO. They will dig up dirt and if nothing sticks, they will make shit up. Harris has already been chosen as the nominee. Her opponents would be wise to recognize that if they want the chance to be in her cabinet.
  22. I don't care for Cernovich but he did great work here.
  23. I think you are showing a bit of bias here. I can laugh at most of the absurd exaggerations/caricatures but you are jumping the shark on this one. We know that he knew the difference because he called attention to Epstein liking young girls in the New Yorker magazine interview back in 2002. Most likely he implied there was something odd about it rather than explicitly stating it so he wouldn't be sued. We also know that at some point, Epstein propositioned a girl at one of Trump's properties and it resulted in Epstein being banned for life. I don't think he would have banned him if he was okay with that kind of thing. The real story here seems to be that Epstein had blackmail (photos and video) on these guys he was flying to his island for sex parties with underage girls. I don't think it's a coincidence that the DOJ opens this up right after Mueller is done and this is most likely staged political revenge. It's already public knowledge Bill Clinton was on those Lolita express flights. That's probably who this is going after.
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