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Everything posted by Jack

  1. True. Might have slown it down too much.
  2. I used to build big lego towers for my nephew when he was a toddler and just learning to walk. He'd run into the room and knock them over and my sister would call him a terrorist... Then 9-11 happened and it wasn't funny anymore.
  3. We kind of lucked out because my niece was willing to wait in line for 1 hour so my wife didn't have to wait in line with 3 kids. 16 bucks for 3 stuffed animals and in return my wife is doing her taxes. Win/win
  4. Jack


    I honestly thought BB20 was a new starwars spin off before clicking this thread.
  5. I am not a lawyer but I think that is legal language for threatening violence against someone.
  6. Would have been nice to see some sort of sequence explaining how she managed to live so long without food or water. Seems kind of important.
  7. Not even in the same ballpark.
  8. Places that provide a "recommended" tip amount when you are picking up your food to go.
  9. I would rather be able to watch random teams on a Texas bye week than go to a random person's wedding during football season. And I like weddings.
  10. That would have been a great dump.
  11. You can be here legally and not be a citizen. The DWI is a bit concerning but he's not going to be deported over marijuana charges. At least he shouldn't be.
  12. Only a matter of time now.
  13. Shocked the sequel hasn't been announced.
  14. Yeah that's not funny...
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