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North Austin

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Everything posted by North Austin

  1. Instead of being in prison, he's going to be free because of the actions of this one woman. This isn't something to be happy about.
  2. 1. How did that workout for Michael Cohen? 2. As part of the pre-trial process they had to answer questions regarding what they knew about the case and if they had made any public statements on social media. All jurors answered no. She is fucked.
  3. Apparently everyone seems to have forgotten that politicians seem to lie about what they really stand for. I mean, why would a billionaire want to President? What possible motive could they have? What a fucking joke.
  4. Yes. See what failing to be principled gets you? Same reason I wont vote for Sanders and I'm glad he has zero chance of getting the nomination.
  5. He's not going to have to because it's the perfect cover for Trump to pardon him and it fits his narrative. That fucking idiot juror committed perjury and since she is a lawyer, she's likely going to get disbarred. She single handedly fucked up the entire case.
  6. Okay I'll bite. As long as it's not Sanders, I'll vote.
  7. Is it really that hard for people to admit when they are wrong about something?
  8. Is this a shtick? This is flat earth level delusion.
  9. Breaking News. Urban Meyer is a piece of shit.
  10. This is most likely the case.
  11. When we were moving I asked my wife if she wanted me to pack her jewelry in the safe so it didn't get lost during the move. She declined. Must have thought the movers were going to crack the safe or some shit. Whatever.. Fast forward 2 days after our move was complete and she's hysterical running around the new house crying because she couldn't find her wedding ring. She put it in a small jewelry box in her purse and she thinks she "dropped it in the driveway" while we were moving. She was 100% certain that she put this jewelry case in a box that she also put in her purse and now it's missing. After about 1 hour of her calling everyone, sobbing uncontrollably and posting that she lost her ring on the HOA fb group... Me: Is this it? Her: Yes! Where did you find it! She packed it in one of the boxes. I would say she's learned her lesson but I doubt it.
  12. You guys have some very dumb friends and family...
  13. '08 Gators lost that year. Way too high on that list.
  14. It's on the list. I would put planning a wedding and preparing for the arrival of the first child ahead on the list.
  15. It's alarming to be that you are basically willing to ignore the accusations because you think someone's political affiliation makes them more virtuous. I don't care about his politics. If I did, I'd be posting in the politics forum. Take each one of these situations on a case by case basis. If this Jeselnik guy was just making jokes and the public doesn't seem to have a problem with it, i'm sure he'll do just fine. On the Rick and Morty front.. things aren't looking good. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/07/blind-item-14_25.html
  16. Great.. now I have to check all the screw slots in my entire house.
  17. Does it really matter what "crowd" is going after him? They were his own words and putting that shit on blast is a public service as far as I'm concerned. Should being critical of Trump get you immunity from public backlash?
  18. Agreed. I don't care who is doing the digging either. Expose this shit.
  19. Not even on the same level as the Real Housewives. That shit never ends.
  20. How long did the install take?
  21. I think she is trying to tell you she wants more kids.
  22. You seem to have omitted posting on message boards for some reason...
  23. Yeah you can kiss that idea goodbye. Maybe after they graduate from college.
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