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  1. A gay joke? Really?
  2. Everything I've read shows the enthusiasm gap has closed. This could end up being very costly.
  3. It stands for Bachelor of Science. You could have just asked.
  4. I'm trying to be civil and would appreciate if you'd do the same.
  5. Favorable rating =/= believe his every lie instead of their own eyes I think it's just a different in perspectives. From my perspective.. it just looks like he's negotiating like he promised. Others don't see that so they think he's deranged, lying, etc..
  6. I seriously doubt people from foreign countries posting half literate memes is the "biggest existential threat this country has ever seen". The DNC rigging their primary and Hillary Clinton ignoring the rust belt had way more to do with Trump getting elected than anything else. Most Republicans held their noses to vote for him simply because they didn't want Clinton to have 2+ SCOTUS picks.
  7. The internet and social media should not be censored in any way shape or form. This Russia conspiracy stuff is just being used as an excuse to take away our civil liberties in a similar way they did during the Bush administration under the war on terror/WMD in Iraq excuse. Some very intelligent people are seeing a pattern that seems very real to them but everyone else is left scratching their heads. It's like the bible code.
  8. Martin Shkreli would hire him on the spot if that was the case.
  9. He passed by 2nd base duh...
  10. Isn't that his job?
  11. It all makes sense now..
  12. HaroldBS

    FIFA 18

    FIFA games are on par with Madden with regard to the AI flat out cheating.
  13. subscribed
  14. I would prefer that they try to write an original and good story completely independent of the skywalker arc. Have it be 500 years in the past or 500 years in the future so we don't have the binary good/evil stuff.
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