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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. where's that dickhead who said 'two wrongs don't make a right' as justification for forcing rape victims to carry the fetus?
  2. my mom finally forbid me from going over to a friends house 'cause his folks would just smoke like chimneys while inside. i reeked when i got back home. but that dude had an Atari 520ST w/ color monitor sooo yeah. good times...
  3. if you use a central exch, most are KYC probably depending on country. self custodial wallets can be anon, but i don't think the point of crypto is to be anon. - the ones i use (Kucoin and Coinbase) I had to dox, send pics of ID etc...
  4. ok, check your balance. i moved my chortle to your internet lols received account.
  5. appreciate the insight. in my limited reading on the subject of winders, i came away with the opinion that as long as you are getting the regularly scheduled maintenance on the watch, winders should be ok. if after many many years the oil finally dries up and the watch is still cranking away on a winder, there might be some damage occurring.
  6. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/uganda-says-exploration-results-show-it-has-31-mln-tonnes-of-gold-ore did not see anything in the thread about this. I don't have any stake or follow precious metals much at all, but ran across this.
  7. do most here have a fancy autowinder or just set the watch when they wear it? was thinking of picking one up mainly to keep the day/date and moon phase correct if i don't wear it for a while.
  8. pretty sure someone could post a video of themselves tampering to twitter and nothing would happen. but yeah, heard on the radio that it may be known that the Mavs could not even match but would have to make much higher bid to keep him.
  9. i love JB, but he was done no favors by playoff basketball reffing. dude was getting knocked around while going to the rim repeatedly and not getting to the line so it allowed some of the bigger defenders on him to negate his quickness advantage or allowed help to get there and use contact to thwart the shot. That said, let's get him signed because we would be a worse team without him.
  10. ankle breaking crossover Jesus may be my favorite Jesus now.
  11. i made some atrociously bad fashion choices in early 90s in HS with no dress code, so this hits close to home. our kids wear polos and chinos (or skorts) every day, but can wear a hoodies over that. hoodies are basically the only thing the kids wear. That being said, how will the district handle cold weather or kids that cold from the AC? are thee selections from the Members Only catalog to select?
  12. lots of positives with co-workers. daughter just tested (at home) positive; probably got it at summer school. she was vaxxed with the under12yo dose right when it was available. slight fever and headache so far. definitely seeing a lot more positive cases in work/social circles this month.
  13. well, at least Texas has a well funded, top notch capacious foster care system on top of the generous child care and social safety nets funding in place to ease a working mother back on to her feet and allow her to care and provide for their children. JFC, fuck all these hypocrites.
  14. i would say a lot of the super high crazy prices are for sure (paid for by previous gains) i have been knocking around in the space for >1yr and still amazed at the money buying things at the top. There are ways to tax harvest legally and illegally by selling a high priced asset and then buying it back at a low price. but yeah, when people have made 100x/1000x on flips the ETH probably starts to look like casino chips. That said there never seems to be an end to people who perpetually seem to buy at the top. It's a running joke in the community that Steve Aoki always buys at the top and after he gets in a project it will tank in price.
  15. they are still worth $90K min right now. Granted, they were worth ~$450K min 2 months ago, but hey, you got a free invite to see LCD Soundsystem at NTF NYC earlier this week at the Bored Apes holder party.
  16. that was last week. now you are a pedo groomer if you don't fellate trump
  17. make it a gif or put it on social media (yt, twitter, tiktok, etc...) and then link/embed
  18. was looking at this at the Cosmo and it seems like the price was just a minimum spend for the bottle service. bottle prices were $700+ and way on up but the terms said that if you did not spend more than X amount on booze/food, then you would be charged whatever the min was. I have never done it before so this is only what i read on interwebz
  19. yep, i have little trees trying to grow in the gutters on one side of my house
  20. do most insure their watches? any particular company better than others?
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