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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. so they got the $335M at the time of mint - 55,000 x 305 APE coin. it's a little different in that the payment was in their own APE coin rather that just ETH. so people's cost were different depending on when they bough the APE coin and for what price. A bigger cash grab would have been selling in ETH and not promising to lock up all the APE received in the mint. They also get 5% of sales that happen on trading sites. They did a similar auction (Mutant Apes) maybe 6 months ago on a 20K NFT project that sold for ~3 ETH mint price (which was about $10K at the time). Those are worth about 20 ETH now (but only ~$40K since ETH is down). That netted them ~$100M in an hour (10K were given away to current Bored Ape holder). good work if you can get it, lol. I should have said "much better examples of cons..." My point is that Yuga has the best track record out of just about any NFT out there. Yes, they extracted a TON of money for themselves along the way, but have not been proven a bad actor and actually have bestowed a hefty ROI for people who held on or bought their NFTs at mint. My point was that there are tons of NFT projects that are straight cons (or rugs) where the creator tries to sell as many as they can and then just straight up shuts all communication down and bolts often to try it again. I have been kicking around NFTs for a little over a year, so yeah i track all this fairly closely. You are correct in that it can be viewed as a game of musical chairs. sharp traders find a way to mint or buy early and then sell into fomo as the price rises to people clamoring to get in on the project increases. finding the sweet spot is the trick. For instance, I bought one of those Mutant Apes at mint for $10K and then sold it 45 mins later for $25K as it sold out in minutes and people were scrambling to buy these on the secondary market. fast forward a few months and the trading price for those dropped below the mint price but then eventually rose up to $80K as news of the APE coin and Otherdeed launch were announced. - a lot of the time though, it never recovers from that peak that happens and those who bought at the top are stuck with a loss.
  2. not sure what they (or you) are talking about. Otherdeeds sold out on the first day. if the article is trying to say that trading of these NFTs is down from when it minted, yeah, that is completely normal. There were ~100K available. If the article is talking about secondary sales volume for that $780M, then Yuga does not get that amount. They get 5% of all sales on the 2ndary market. The mint was in APE coin. each one was 305 coins. At the time of mint, APE was worth ~$20; So $335M at mint. Supposedly, that coin was going to be parked for a year and not in circulation. That amount is now worth 1/3 of the $335M as APE has tanked hard after the mint (along with most other crypto). - 55K were sold to the public, the rest were given free to holders of Bored Apes. All the sales after the mint are from people trading with each other. Trading is generally fast and furious right after mint then it dies down so it's not surprising that volume is much lower later on. the overall volume of NFT trading is down substantially from ATHs for sure, as noted in the quoted article. I will be the first to tell you that pricing is crazy with NFTs. NFTs as a whole are down ~40-50% on the big 'blue chip' ones. But there are MUCH better cons going on in the NFT space vs what Yuga is doing. They have actually delivered quite a bit of wealth to their holders which is something few projects can claim.
  3. so i don't think the founding fathers foresaw a yearly defense budget of $720 billion. At this point every true defiance or threat from a militia against the gov will end like Waco just from the 3 letter agencies much less the actual armed forces getting involved.
  4. reminds me to get my little Honda out of the garage and fire it up and check the oil. don't think i have checked since Jan. for those that don't want to cycle gasoline, converting to use LP is really easy with those kits out there.
  5. wife and i watched it all the way through. so fucking good. made it through 8 on Sunday and finished on Monday. easiest to watch on the hbo ap.
  6. that's the thing. the dealership seems clueless. wife took it in and told them to fix the sensor/alarm. They changed the oil and did nothing else. Said they would have to run a diagnostic. We were like WTF, you had the car for 4 days.
  7. do you have the name of the place? wife has one and no issues other than the fucking alarm goes off randomly in the middle of the night. from internet google-fu i think it's the 'bonnet' sensor that thinks the hood is getting opened.
  8. couldn't resist and bought a little eth this morning ~$1800 and played a tiny long position just for some fun. closed the long out at 1880 for a whopping $40 gain. Still really just learning how to do the basic shorts and longs and how using leverage affects your liquidation points. proud to say that on 3 futures trades, i am up 20%. sad to say that 20% = $100. I don't have much in my Kucoin account, lol. It seems really easy to liquidate the idiots that use double digit leverage on futures and that's why the whales and cexs collude to do so. will hold the eth for a while. never know when i'll need to buy another jpeg
  9. will the 529 amount (as is) cover tuition? for how many years? on one hand, you saved this money that can only be used for school stuff. it's right there and ready to go. If you take out a loan and essentially gamble on the 529 'recovering' in the next what, 2 years, you are betting that the amount recovered in the 529 is > the interest paid on the loan? if you know the 529 will be short to cover the 4 years no matter what, i guess i could see taking a loan out on the front end and hoping the stonks go back up in the 529 to cover the back end. there is also no guarantee that it will be better in a few years. if the reverse had happened and the market had tanked 2 years ago but now it was well on the rise and at the same amount of $$ it is today would you feel this way?
  10. Brownwood Independent School District
  11. have had this happen (pilot crew 'timed out') on SWA in March. Last flight out of Love going to SLC that kept getting delayed and delayed until we boarded and were about get in the take off pattern when the co-pilot timed out. I guess they found another co-pilot because we did eventually take off about 2 hours later. supposed to land at 11:30pm and landed at 2:30ish AM while we are bitching at SWA, on the return flight, we were not able to get a direct from SLC to Dallas. had a stop in Denver. the SLC to Denver leg kept getting delayed. we land about 10 minutes after the posted flight time for the Denver to Dallas flight and rush to the gate. They did not hold that flight for the 10-15 people that needed it. This was Saturday afternoon and they said the next flight back to Dallas would be Monday afternoon. After raising a little heck, we are able to split our fam up and get 2 seats on the last flight out that night with 2 standby. then 2 guaranteed seats the following morning at 6am with a voucher for a shitty hotel. - Son and i were on standby and watched SWA hold that flight and delay it by 45 minutes so that connecting passengers could make it. Fuck that, why start that now when they screwed us over.
  12. Cuban was fake pissed off. he was texting someone to move up the time line for the hostage negotiations for a new tax-payer funded arena inside the city limits.
  13. the automakers cancelled a ton of orders to the silicon fabs during the pandemic/lock downs. I work in supply chain for a global phone mfger and our demand kept increasing with all the gov stimmys. we normally see big increases in sales during tax refund time for example, so we planned on an increase even though through the pandemic. so i am sure our chip orders increased as did a lot of consumer electronic categories (work from home stuff like computers, video call stuff, routers etc...). This coupled with periodic shut downs of these same fabs in China, India, Vietnam, S. Korea etc.. at various times led to a massive shortage when the automakers tried to re issue the orders to keep up with demand. Silicon takes a long time to process. For high end graphic cards and CPUs a wafer can take 15+ weeks start to finish. So even placing an order for a silicon run and getting it confirmed to a specific start date could take 6-12 months before you could see those chips. Also, at least in our industry we also saw massive decommits from key suppliers on promised shipments, so I can assume that the same thing happened in the auto industry. you line up everything and are waiting for a specific chip and then it does not come when promised.
  14. Luka's fade away in the lane has not been working lately. guess we got spoiled that he hit like 90% of them in the PHX series. it's more and more needed as the refs are allowing a lot more contact on drives to the rim (both ways). that fade away (if you can make it) seems to be a safer bet. with the decrease in fouls called on drives, it seems that GS is leaving at least 1 person to 'guess' where Luka's pass is going and normally camping out to steal the pass going to the corner 3 spot. Luka has been picked off a few times because of this when he leaves his feet on the drive and then hurls a pass out of the paint. didn't the AAC leak earlier in the year as well? I seem to remember that happening but could not tell you the game. Let's see if the Mavs can win one in SF and make the Warriors buttcheeks clench up a little during game 6 in Dallas. Not ready for the ride to be over.
  15. would always pay the $1.00 to upgrayedd to double pizza
  16. yeah, i was confused that Biden's name was not on the primary ballot. I just assumed with all the ads that each R candidate was running directly against Biden.
  17. is the perp a cyclist too, or just a yoga instructor? If both, should be super easy to catch if people just listen. no way she could shut up about 'sharing the road' or how the yoga lifestyle is sooo much better for you.
  18. damn, not the response anyone wanted. Bullock picked a hell of a time to go ice cold. I guess that is the fallacy of needing 'one of these guys' to step up every game vs expecting a proven badass to be themselves to win. When all of the step up candidates wilt, it's Luka and the spares. gotta think we will be hearing Mr. Cash cover 'Hurt' soon.
  19. latent lust between Porterhouse and Texilla not going away
  20. put in an order on this one supposed to ship first week of June or so. total newb on watches but taking some ill-gotten gains and wanted a moon phase. was very taken with this one and pulled the trigger.
  21. i was getting used to Danny pimp slapping hyperbole Corby...le sigh
  22. curious on what people in this threads 'strategies' are. - buy and hold. dca on monthly/weekly buys. mostly BTC and top alts - not really timing the market, but having no issues getting 100% in fiat and set buying and selling targets with goal to stack fiat - buy/sell memecoins based on tweets i fall into the middle category with the goal to stack fiat at the end of the day. i really only keep ETH on hand and that's to degen around in NFTs. After any decent sale i will normally convert most of the ETH to USDC or something.
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