yeah, a ledger is just basically another wallet address where all transactions need approval from the device. nothing is 'stored' on the device, it's still all on the blockchain. Just buy directly from the mfg (not amazon or 3rd party), keep your seed phrase just on paper (don't take a picture of it, don't keep it on your computer (even encrypted), and never ever give out your seed phrase or allow remote access to your comp.
If you lose the device, you can purchase another one and restore your seed phrase to it and will be back in business. The initial wallet address will still have all your stuff in there. Each coin type will have its own address (BTC, ETH, SOL etc...). you can even keep eth blockchain NFTs on the ledger ETH address. I keep a lot of my high value NFTs on there and it will prompt you use the ledger device to do any sales/transfers/listings etc...
If the battery dies you would need to charge it before using. no transactions are possible without physically pressing the buttons to confirm. Most of my tx are via metamask, which will integrate the ledger and wait for you to approve each tx during the signing process.
Transferring is as simple as just entering your ledger address as the 'transfer to' address in the Coinbase/cex prompt.