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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. anyone still holding their $LOOKS? debating whether to buy back in. once the rewards are cut and the wash trading dies down it should stabilize and then maybe LR can finally get some organic growth and we can see what normal sales on the platform look like.
  2. i have not entered back in to any main coins yet. small position in Luna. as to taxes, most of the cexs will basically tell you your tax liability right? it's the defi and nft shit that gives me a headache just thinking about it. we file quarterly and pretty much always get an extension. I am hoping/betting on some better software coming out to calculate the defi and nft tax liability. all the data is there and you can download everything fom etherscan and polyscan (and the solana scan etc... with all the niche chains) but what a beating.
  3. FBI is going to be decked out arriving to crime scenes in lambos now
  4. from what i have seen, it's easier to appeal to someone's greed. Some will click on any link to gain a perceived advantage like early access to a new coin or nft. dozens of people have lost high value nfts ($200K+) because they wanted to skirt the marketplace/royalty fees (~5%) and were duped into using fake trading sites by a fake prospective buyer. Thieves will often hack a projects discord, take it over and then put malicious links out there. But i have pondered that it is totally possible for someone get mugged and thieves force them to use their phone to steal their crypto. it really would not take that long especially if they already had a cex ap (Coinbase etc...) or a mobile wallet like metamask already installed. Probably just a few fingerprint scans from getting access and then thieves pop their address in and hit send. you really only need the seed phrase if you are installing your wallet on a new device for the first time.
  5. people claim getting 'hacked' everyday on twitter and it's almost 100% social engineering. the laziness of people not willing to keep their seed phrase off their computer is astounding. although if you get busted by the FBI i'm guessing they can find your seed phrases written down on paper in your house as well. Ever worse, the file containing the keys was found in cloud storage.
  6. just giving my opinion based my limited exposure to this stuff and i did not even stay at a digital holiday inn express last night. There are no rules; only what catches a buyer's eye. I have seen one artist that was a sculptor and sold nfts based on his pieces (the nfts were generative) and also included physical pieces for a very limited number of nft holders.
  7. same treatment, same cost with 1 exception. their saline solution has the 5G chip in there. the bag has "5G version, made by Microsoft" in big bold letters. might be down with a Uber-like surge pricing for intake for unvaxxed coming into the ER with issues from Covid and the place is already packed.
  8. i don't think land is a requirement. this seems specific to decentral games https://decentral.games/ https://opensea.io/collection/decentral-games-ice?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW - $6K for a pair of digital sunglasses
  9. i am sad there are no Fat Tony/Drank Blvd. posts on this thread. But i got nothing to add. In Dallas but on pier and beam. the bedrock is fairly shallow in my 'hood.
  10. surly in a nutshell personally not a FIRE'er but seems this thread could do without the drivebys and let the people who want do it and talk about it continue to do so...but who am i kidding?
  11. some of these schools in 6A now... way back in the day remember being in 4A and playing SA Central, Crowley and Weatherford. hated those trips on the yelladog express bus. now Brownwood has to travel to the hub city and Andrews for district games. yuk District 2 -4A D1 Andrews (237 mi), Big Spring (174 mi), Brownwood, Lubbock Estacado (235 mi), San Angelo Lake View (105)
  12. yep, huge chocolate chip cookies after a good report each day help. ours took to it starting them at 3-4 years old. i can't keep up with them now at 11 and 13 yo. we are headed to Angel Fire next week. first time skiing in NM in a long time and never been to AF.
  13. so you think decentralized digital currency is going to end? Like the world will just shrug and collectively say "man, what a bad idea. almost as bad as laser discs". or just that returns above stock market % will disappear? any time frame for the music stopping? are we talking by Christmas or decade or so like the next time the Dallas Cowboys win a playoff game? No issues with line of thought. I am not an evangelist for crypto, but do think it will continue be a financial factor going forward. i get the whole what goes up must come down and crazy gains are unsustainable, but there is difference in crypto stabilizing vs disappearing. probably most will fail or fail to evolve. don't have to be Nostradamus to see that, but man, some on this thread literally can't wait for it to happen so they can dunk on everyone who leaned pro crypto. i see BTC and others like ETH hanging around. The 1000s of shitcoins banging around out there, probably not; but that's already been happening for quite some time as dozens fail every day. But can I interest you in digital emus, sir? https://opensea.io/collection/wild-emus $12, very good price to enter
  14. from what i have seen, the biggest win for true metaverse stuff is the online gambling/poker in decentraland. people are making a ton basically renting out clothes/fashion stuff to people who want it and be seen there. I don't fully understand the mechanics, but the poker rooms were driving the most traffic. lots of projects have sandbox avatars that you can get of another 'brand' of nft that you own. only way to learn is to drink from the firehose, lol.
  15. LOL, haters gonna hate. I am always happy to talk about nfts/crypto though, so here's your explanation. the part that is locked up only earns ~20% APR. we could chose if we wanted to not stake, stake for 3mo, 6mo, 9mo, 12mo. The longer the stake the higher the bonus on return (staking for 3mo returns ~5%) i staked for 12 months but it was not a condition of receiving/using the coin. There have been unannounced bonuses in the form of additional free NFTs if you were staking. ive received ~8-12eth worth of those so far. sold some; kept most. The devs will at times take a snapshot of who's staking and can give out these nfts or other in-game bonuses. The part that earns the "4% per week" is not locked and i can exit at anytime; so yes i can sell and convert to USDC in under a minute if i choose to. These are the liquidity pools. you take a common coin like eth or MATIC or USDC and pair it with the game's coins ($RAIDER or $AURUM). Then you can stake that pair in a pool so that people can easily trade between those coins. you get a cut of the fees from every transaction depending on how much of the pool you own. It generates more of their coin ($RAIDER) https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/crypto-raiders continuously. so you can take that and sell it for USDC whenever you want, or hold it and speculate if the price of $RAIDER will go up or down. anyway, this was all almost 100% free roll. i bought 35 of the game NFTs with no expectation that they were going to make their own in-game economy. all of these coins were given out to holders for free with no strings attached based on how many NFTs you owned. you could sell it all instantly or keep them. all told the nfts and coins have done 65x in value in 8 months. I don't get why you feel a need to take the time to try and make this into a ponzi scheme. IDGAF if your stock has a dividend or not. I probably own some XOM in an IRA account. Again, invest how you want to. I have stock investments and also crypto and nfts as well. you will never get returns like this from stocks, so why not do both? Here is another example. $LOOKS https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/looksrare is the coin for a new nft marketplace that just started up. Think an ebay for nfts. They are trying to compete with the dominant monopoly OpenSea. So Looks Rare went and grabbed data on everyone's public wallet address that had used OpenSea in the past 6 months or so. Then gave them x amount of $LOOKS based on usage (#of buys/sells etc...) for free. Then launched their marketplace which had lower fees and also gave the fees they did charge back to the holders of $LOOKS. So that's a pretty big incentive for people to switch from using OpenSea and move to LR. The return on staking $LOOKS has been ~650% in the first month. You can unstake and sell at any time. Staking earns you more $LOOKS and also Eth. The $LOOKS autocompounds and you can withdraw the Eth bonus out whenever. you can be Jack's mother and keep the cow. I'll take the magic beans. You do remember that the magic beans actually worked, right and that Jack ended up with the goose that laid golden eggs? maybe work on your analogies
  16. i thought they were supposed to check for the bent axel/all tires touching. it's a known exploit but it's been a decade since we have raced so who knows what the rules are now.
  17. it would be funny to see how many state AG and Gov candidates are running against Joe Biden and KH based on their political ads. I am already sick of the Texas ones.
  18. probably need more parks and fire stations. at least that always worked in sim city.
  19. Depends. Artists can set the terms. Some NFT projects give holders all the rights (to their specific piece; not overall rights to a broader series) some retain some/all rights. They can. But this would kill their rep and discourage future buyers from buying from them and from buying on open market. Say the artist gets popular and has 5 works all owned by collectors. the floor (min price to buy any of the 5 pieces) which is set by the current owner has risen from $300 to $5000. This price is based on the fact their are only 5 of these pieces. if the artist makes copies digital or physical to sell to others, then that scarcity goes down and no one would buy one of the existing pieces at $5000 because there exists the threat that the artist would increase supply and undercut the market price. The artist gets 5-10% of each sale so if their work gets to the point where it is desirable and the price is rising and it is changing owners frequently, they are making $ on each sale of the original (vs traditional art where they only get the initial sale price). It's in their interest to to want rare pieces that explode in price on the open market and that it changes hands frequently. Fidenzas https://opensea.io/collection/fidenza-by-tyler-hobbs are a collection of 999 works of art that skyrocketed in value past 100eth. Each sale at that level netted the artist 5-10eth. This is the exception obviously, but if this artist were to just create another one and try to sell it, it would crater the market for their work. i don't think copying existing physical media into a digital format would be. Most successful projects are original works of digital art afik. Some artists offer the initial purchaser a physical companion piece as a bonus.
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